《The Doorbell Rang》是一本获得美国图书馆协会最佳推荐童书荣誉的绘本。故事发生在一个温馨的家庭里:妈妈为两个孩子Sam和Victoria做了12块饼干,还没开吃,门铃就不断地响起——Sam和Victoria的小伙伴们依次上门拜访。
《The Doorbell Rang》是一本获得美国图书馆协会最佳推荐童书荣誉的绘本。故事发生在一个温馨的家庭里:妈妈为两个孩子Sam和Victoria做了12块饼干,还没开吃,门铃就不断地响起——Sam和Victoria的小伙伴们依次上门拜访。
随着人数的增多,每个小伙伴们分到的饼干数也在减少。最后,一人分得一块。然而,这时,门铃又响了……原来是Grandma做了好多饼干带过来给孩子们吃!绘本通过这样一个小故事,既让孩子们掌握了算术,又学习了分享的美德。作者Pat Hutchins的绘画极其细致,他运用了很多的细节处理来展示出同一个场景下的不同变化,家长和孩子可以仔细观察一下噢。
绘本展示及翻译:The Doorbell Rang(Pat Hutchins)《门铃响了》
"I've made some cookies for tea," said Ma.
"Good," said Victoria and Sam. "We're starving."
"Share them between yourselves," said Ma.
"I made plenty."
"That's six each," said Sam and Victoria.
"They look as good as Grandma's," said Victoria.
"They smell as good as Grandma's," said Sam.
"No one makes cookies like Grandma," said Ma as the doorbell rang.
It was Tom and Hannah from next door.
"Come in,"said Ma.
"You can share the cookies."
"That's three each," said Sam and Victoria.
"They smell as good as your Grandma's," said Tom.
"And look as good,"said Hannah.
No one makes cookies like Grandma," said Ma as the doorbell rang.
It was Peter and his little brother.
“Come in,” said Ma.
"You can share the cookies."
“ 你们一起吃饼干吧”。
"That's two each," said Victoria and Sam.
“每人两块,” Victoria和Sam说。
"They look as good as your Grandma's," said Peter." And smell as good."
“它们看起来跟你奶奶做的一样好吃,” Peter说,“闻起来也一样棒。”
"Nobody makes cookies like Grandma,"said Ma as the doorbell rang.
“没人做饼干能比得上奶奶,” 妈妈正说着,门铃响了起来。
It was Joy and Simon with their four cousins.
"Come in," said Ma. "You can share the cookies."
“请进”, 妈妈说。“ 你们一起吃饼干吧”。
"That's one each," said Sam and Victoria.
“每人一块”, Sam和Victoria说。
"They smell as good as your Grandma's," said Joy.
"And look as good," said Simon.
"No one makes cookies like Grandma," said Ma as the doorbell rang .
and rang.
"Oh dear," said Ma as the children stared at the cookies on their plates.
"Perhaps you'd better eat them before we open the door."
"We'll wait," said Sam.
It was Grandma with an enormous tray of cookies.
"How nice to have so many friends to share them with," said Grandma.
"It's a good thing I made a lot!"
"And no one makes cookies like Grandma," said Ma as the doorbell rang.
“没人做饼干能比得上奶奶。” 妈妈说的同时铃声又响起了。