时间:2012-06-18 17:39来源:互联网 作者:佚名 点击:
兰生复旦分班考试 练习卷I. Choose the best answer. (30%) 1. There are more than 15 ________ people in Beijing.A. million of B. million C. millions of D. millions2. My sister enjoys ________ on weekends.A. swim B. swimming C. swi



  兰生复旦分班考试 练习卷

  I. Choose the best answer. (30%)

  1. There are more than 15 ________ people in Beijing.

  A. million of   B. million   C. millions of   D. millions

  2. My sister enjoys ________ on weekends.

  A. swim   B. swimming   C. swims    D. swam

  3. ________ can we travel to Beijing?

  A. How   B. Where   C. What   D. Which

  4. - Wow! It takes me about ________ to get there.

  - Yes, the traffic is awful.

  A. one and a half hour  B. one hour and a half

  C. one and half hours  D. one hour and half hour

  5. We will got to Hangzhou ________.

  A. take a train  B. take the train   C. by the train   D. by train

  6. People don't usually wear ________ in summer.

  A. uniforms   B. T-shirts   C. dresses   D. scarves

  7. Japan is ________ the east of China.

  A. in   B. to   C. at   D. on

  8. ________ city is the capital of Thailand?

  A. Which   B. What   C. Where   D. When

  9. Look, the new flat is ________ for us. We are very happy to live in.

  A. big enough   B. enough big    C. small enough   D. enough small

  10. There are ________ oranges left in the fridge. Go and buy some.

  A. few   B. a few   C. little    D. a little

  11. This is ________ air ticket to Dalian.

  A. a   B. an   C. the   D. /

  12. Would you like ________ a cup of coffee?

  A. have   B. has   C. having   D. to have

  13. - Look, there ________ enough space in your school bag.

  - Good, I can put more books inside.

  A. is   B. are   C. was   D. were

  14. My grandparents ________ to Los Angeles before.

  A. went   B. have gone   C. have been    D. go

  15. My favorite outdoor activity is ________.

  A. playing the piano   B. watching TV    C. seeing films    D. collecting stamps

  1-5 BBABD   6-10 DBAAA   11-15 BDACD

  16. In the past, bus conductors collected money ________ the passengers.

  A. of   B. to   C. with   D. from

  17. Kitty is sick, so she won't come to do the survey. Lily will come ________.

  A. also   B. too   C. instead   D. either

  18. Maybe, ________ will be more flyovers(天桥) in Shanghai.

  A. it   B. there   C. they    D. this

  19. There are many books on the desk, but ________ of them is about English.

  A. all    B. neither   C. none   D. both

 20. The little boy has become much ________.

  A. strongest   B. stronger   C. strong    D. the strongest

  21. Winter comes, and the weather is getting ________.

  A. warm and warm   B. warmer and warmer   C. colder and colder  D. cold and cold

  22. - Where is John?

  - I don't know. But I saw him ________ in the playground a moment ago.

  A. played   B. playing   C. plays    D. to play

  23. You look ________. What's wrong, Linda?

  A. happy    B. happily   C. sad    D. sadly

  24. Susan holds her umbrella ________ in the street when the wind blows ________.

  A. gently…lightly  B. quickly…suddenly  C. tightly…fiercely    D. immediately…slightly

  25. When a typhoon comes, we ________ close the windows.

  A. needn't   B. shouldn't   C. may    D. should

  26. Nowadays, we can see more and more ________ on the buses.

  A. woman drivers    B. woman's drivers   C. women's drivers    D. women drivers

  27. There will be ________ underground trains and ________ pedicabs(三轮车)in Shanghai.

  A. much…less    B. more…less   C. more…fewer   D. more…less

  28. -How many of you have been to Hong Kong before?


  A. None   B. No    C. Nothing    D. Nobody

  29. I like to go on a picnic ________ a sunny day.

  A. on   B. in   C. for   D. of

  30. What do you think may happen in ________ time?

  A. twenty years   B. twenty-years   C. twenty years'   D. twenty year's

  16-20 DCBCB   21-25 CBCCD   26-30 DCAAC

  II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (12%)

  1. Would you please find some ________ (trolley) for me?

  2. Where's my ________ (board) card? I can't find it.

  3. Has Jenny ________ (buy) enough dumplings for lunch?

  4. Please tell me the ________ (depart) time and the arrival time of this flight/

  5. ________ (tour) usually go window-shopping in big cities.

  6. I think he'll ________ (possible) be a scientist in the future.

  trolleys  boarding   bought   departure   Tourists   possibly

  7. The notice is important. She read it very ________ just now. (careful)

  8. After typhoon, many street ________ work on the street. (clean)

  9. Close the door ________ or you will wake the baby up. (gentle)

  10. People like flying kites on ________ days. (wind)

  11. We should wait for the green man at the ________. (cross)

  12. Ships and boats ________ in the big waves when the typhoon came. (sink)

  carefully   cleaners   gently   windy   crossing   sank.........





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