海尼曼GK精读拓展book21《my room》
时间:2020-07-24 10:53来源:互联网 作者:柠檬 点击:
今天推荐的海尼曼精读拓展book21《my room》等孩子对这些物品词汇熟练之后,可以和孩子一起到自己的房间里指着东西说一遍:I like my .....(开始不熟悉那就假装自己说孩子听)只要会表达了孩子很愿意主动说的,Gary熟悉这些词汇之后,我拿着枕头说I like my p

今天推荐的海尼曼精读拓展book21《my room》等孩子对这些物品词汇熟练之后,可以和孩子一起到自己的房间里指着东西说一遍:I like my .....(开始不熟悉那就假装自己说孩子听)只要会表达了孩子很愿意主动说的,Gary熟悉这些词汇之后,我拿着枕头说I like my pillow  他就会拿着他的玩具说I like my toy。

海尼曼GK精读拓展book21《my room》
this is a boy, he wears in red . this story is about his room ,let's see what is in his room?
I like my bed 
here is the boy ,he sits on his bed 
this is my room ,and here is my bed .i like my bed .
i like my books 
the boy has lots of books about the moon and the earth, how many books can you see in his hands?(指着男孩的中的书) one and two
and there's another book on the shelf.(指向书柜上的那本书)
i like my lamp
it is a rocket shaped lamp. the boy is pointing at the lamp. (i am pointing at the lamp ,too)
I like my chair
海尼曼GK精读拓展book21《my room》
it is a blue chair with moon and stars on it
I llike my toys 
he has many toys, they are rocket and spaceship
I like my picture 
this is a spaceman. the spaceman is walking on the moon
I like my bear
he puts the bear on his head. the bear dressed up like a spaceman
I like my room
there are so many things in his room. lamp ,toys ,chair ,bed, picture and books. (把所有说到的物品指一遍)his room is so cool.
海尼曼GK精读拓展book21《my room》


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