小美妞 [大学生]
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发表于: 2018-10-23 15:08:06

# a' z9 y- j. P' {/ C7 C1 w8 f

Click, Clack, Moo Cows that Type译文分享

, J- i; K7 }( P$ G4 h, X3 T


1 V: b  K  Y0 a) f: P* p7 Q: e; a5 w

Farmer Brown has a problem.His cows like to type.All day long he hears.Click,clack,MOO.Click,clack,MOO.Clickety,clack,MOO.

0 _9 N+ ]+ K+ [) h
# W7 x7 u! d  n


( w" u% r/ n3 K  s$ z. m
, z2 \+ y9 T# |, |2 `8 ~* E

At firist,he couldn't believe his ears.Cows that type?

. y6 S, I* u; |2 E( |9 t
0 H* f( [# a: ^+ \


  U% |( [8 V; C  A8 T: p. V- ]* f+ o/ I6 Q) h4 k

Then,he couldn't believe his eyes. Dear Farmer Brown,The barn is very cold at night.We'd like some electric blankets.sincerely,The cows

7 I# D# p% ?. I9 B5 I9 A
9 s* g! ~" k& b& r

然后,他无法相信他的眼睛。 亲爱的农夫布朗,晚上谷仓很冷。我们喜欢一些电热毯。真诚的,牛

' C" D5 o' N( u  X# ^

! I% g9 ]) Q" M7 _, r- e/ G4 u

At firist,he couldn't believe his ears.Cows that type?

- w! ~3 {9 ?3 Q/ I& D4 H! Z: [0 U5 r3 _9 B# C


) X: F# [4 n. Z0 L5 a  ]( F& a) {. g% J: X4 J3 s$ W( F

Then,he couldn't believe his eyes. Dear Farmer Brown,The barn is very cold at night.We'd like some electric blankets.sincerely,The cows

/ J, m+ y! c' y# T$ l5 P7 J$ r
2 X- ^3 {1 \+ n2 \! A- h3 e; x' ?

然后,他无法相信他的眼睛。 亲爱的农夫布朗,晚上谷仓很冷。我们喜欢一些电热毯。真诚的,牛

: f& q0 }9 ]4 G+ U: u3 W


' s- r! M8 T$ ~1 x+ z

The next day,he got another noteear Farmer Brown,the hens are cold too.They'd like electric blankets.sincerely,The cows

8 C$ t' h( D. ]* i* g% d; d4 A$ k
) m( |; ?4 R$ A


5 h9 E8 f% b( F- J
# F+ h/ X. l% Y" Z. z

The cows were growing impatient with the farmer.They left a new note on the barn door.

  Z+ {9 _+ D2 D
7 h2 Q8 u0 F- s" o$ L0 K4 b5 r* S


! @6 G& Z7 _( V6 V; I; P% ]- Z


8 S- t, p5 _, D! \/ Z/ r# K

"Cows that type. Hens on strick!Whoever heard of such a thing?How can I run a farm with no milk and no eggs!"Farmer Brown was furious.

( f+ I0 N* H, B7 ?( d

. I! X' F4 U( I# c


1 B: @0 v" x4 ]: @
7 h9 C! x3 I5 [3 p4 p8 F

"Cows that type. Hens on strick!Whoever heard of such a thing?How can I run a farm with no milk and no eggs!"Farmer Brown was furious.

7 E# l+ ^9 D* ?) ~7 ?
, S% b3 a( N4 D0 I) N" i


$ |( q8 H& y8 }, H6 i, S3 D5 [


" Q; e+ ~% ?; V1 A) o% _
/ b% X1 Y6 \: N! J6 l3 |0 p

Duck was a neutral party,so he brought the ultimatum to the cows.

* ~4 }$ @* R1 ~. V3 Q8 D& Z  R: f5 V1 r


! L! Z$ G& Z  N& ?: z8 N! W
4 K$ \$ z/ p' z# Y4 H; h

The cows held an emergency meeting.All the animals gathered around the barn to snoop,but none of them could understand Moo.All night long,Farmer Brown waited for an answer.

+ i' j5 {3 j. O- {3 }1 z  R
: {! i9 Y- H1 ^  [# s$ D& x/ `( o


- P/ T9 w6 i. w! @3 r$ J8 O! ]


, I' o. @* y2 u! d1 L& l

Duck knocked on the door early the next morning.He handed Farmer Brown a note:

! A6 N( q: s/ D8 q: j

3 {; @5 p' _9 c9 r5 n5 E& x


+ {( N; ?; `- u2 v7 j7 ^, I2 t
' Q5 ?7 K7 u+ [7 {! \

Farmer Brown decided this was a good deal.He left the blankets next to the barn door and waited for Duck to come with the typerwriter.

% s7 \& H7 C* P) O  V7 a
9 e$ ]: M+ G' @, Y) n+ h


  Y3 `9 _1 y- d+ |
# [$ m7 @4 A& f. N( i

The next mornning he got a noteear Farmer Brown,The pond is quite boring.we'd like a diving board.sincerely,the Ducks

! U6 ]- G$ u) Y2 G9 S, z

6 Z, d4 _* y7 R0 J- C: E


7 P/ [' O- ~' D2 l' H! |/ G6 \- k2 O- A, x, ?1 L+ I9 E

# J5 Y9 M' i9 D5 @7 W( }1 q+ \/ Z3 I  T/ w

% D9 N& D8 R$ ^  ?9 n8 B
2 P* `' q+ _# q7 I0 G廖彩杏资源下载:: _8 B: ^+ c8 |2 f1 C% t1 \: c' E
英语启蒙:廖彩杏书单100本,52周计划安排(附高清pdf+动画+MP3)全套/ x* |( p2 o! O2 ^' v
廖彩杏书单:一年52周130本英文绘本详细书单及阅读计划" o. D$ \. k' Z! h+ [( G) n" K5 }

6 H; a9 F$ O# \" l9 s/ a9 I
廖彩杏书单阅读 一个从未留洋,也自承发音并不道地的廖彩杏,总是很诚心的告诉对方:“与其花钱去补习班,不如有规律的听英文有声故事,不仅经济实惠,而且效果更好。”她自创了一年52周100本英文绘本阅读计划和书目清单,更有效的带孩子启蒙英语。 群主: 风起云涌

