原版分级读物 金奖绘本:Daniel Finds a Poem 百度云下载 今天为大家推荐的绘本叫做《Daniel Finds a Poem》《丹尼尔找到了一首诗》。诗歌对于中国的孩子们来说可能意味着从下便要背诵的唐诗宋词,大多数学龄前的孩子都觉得深沉难懂,很难从其中体会到美感更不用说想象着自己能够做一首诗。但是英文的诗歌则更加随性,虽然也讲究押韵,却可以以更多不同的形式存在,即使是普通的孩子,也能有感而发,写下几句简单的诗歌。这本书便是说了丹尼尔的故事,丹尼尔看到公园的告示,周日上午公园会有诗歌会。这是丹尼尔第一次听说诗歌“Poetry". "What is poetry?"丹尼尔开始思考。他和各种小动物交谈,小动物和他描述他们心中的Peotry.* G- }; G/ S; y4 v" ^6 |0 a
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* Q& b! V4 ? G$ h2 N7 g: t6 c周一,蜘蛛说:"To me, poetry is when morning dew glistens.”- E" r8 @( S# ~6 Y, D h
周二,松鼠说:"Poetry is when crisp leaves crunch."
) G, R8 E, g* _" N2 I1 J" ?周三,花栗鼠说:"Poetry is a home with many windows in an old stone wall."
; M( `, y5 _! x, i周四,池塘里的青蛙说:"Poetry is a cool pool to dive into."& h; l, i8 p; l, D* x% k
周五,乌龟说:"Poetry is sun-warmed sand."
' M; h" d5 e- {. }* \周六,蟋蟀说:"Poetry is singing at twilight when the day is done."
/ u9 r# h8 l0 Q! O' V4 d周六晚上,猫头鹰说:" Poetry is bright stars in the branches, moonlight on the grass, and silent wings to take me wherever I go."9 x' A) E' i" ]
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1 k5 @" L$ o- S/ h8 D小宝门门都考了100分~~~喂,醒醒,枕头湿了!!!