看图学英语English Made Easy: Learning English Through Pictures PDF版 Expanding on the language learning skills presented in the first volume, English Made Easy: Volume Two continues in the same tradition, imaginatively using pictures and text to create understanding among English learners. Consisting of 20 units arranged in groups of five, the first four units present language and provide multiple practice opportunities, while the fifth unit in each group has revision exercises to reinforce the earlier learning.The first page of each unit has a list of all the words and phrases to be learned in that unit, together with a pronunciation guide.& G, l3 C% m* s4 J+ i
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3 r4 U# O+ _! E2 [( ~, lEnglish Made Easy
8 n4 j- b: L2 S" W作者: Jonathan Crichton / Peter Koster* N: C' z$ H5 S5 Q5 p1 [! W9 P
出版社: Tuttle Publishing
! J) _# e, x; O$ m副标题: Learning English Through Pictures
/ ^. N# {- |, C N3 G1 h _6 T' @出版年: 2006-05-15
% K% O: l' Y# o) }( _4 O页数: 224
* `2 g8 z& L# |+ \- z$ d5 |3 u定价: USD 16.954 O, q0 W2 ^" b
装帧: Paperback4 f. H) C& q5 W' K: s% S
ISBN: 9780804837361
; l% k; O3 M, D
f' Q/ `: h) a链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/10BdG359NAnm2r40WGZqG_w $ x; ?1 T# e, y
, a8 [& k* g) ~ f. F& D小宝门门都考了100分~~~喂,醒醒,枕头湿了!!!