全美流行的儿童分级读物完美小怪物 The Perfect Little Monster下载 宝宝小毛怪做的每一件事都让她的家人骄傲,知道他的第一个生日派对。A baby monster does all the right things to make his family proud--until his first birthday party.
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$ J1 R7 B0 m4 G3 Z- uPreSchool-Grade 1-Baby Monster is just perfect. "He had horrible little eyes and a horrible little nose and as soon as he was born, he scowled." His family is pleased with how quickly he learns "how to bash things and trash things" and to "sneer and snarl." Baby Monster's parents invite all the monster aunts, uncles, and cousins to his first birthday party, but when they ask him to give his relatives a "great big scowl," everyone shrieks and runs away. The final page reveals that the "perfect little baby monster-was smiling!" This amusing story is accompanied by cartoonlike illustrations "created in ink and colored in Photoshop." The monsters have a bearlike appearance, and Baby Monster is almost adorable despite his horrible little scowl. The lively, rhythmic text is well suited to reading aloud. Though his parents will be horrified, this little monster is sure to please.
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完美小怪物 The Perfect Little Monster基本信息:
+ w7 ]- p8 ], e1 \. Z6 S作者: Judy Hindley0 X7 c, o5 L8 c
适合年龄: 2 and up2 Q, L1 c& j l! |
适合年级:Kindergarten, L. L& q% Z! M# Z; j5 {6 _
) r- f% @4 a. G: Z7 f出版社: Candlewick
& R* r0 N. h- t2 A% Y7 }
9 r- \7 |+ K" N6 u; D: W链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dGFiZDzDNXqCJsOM9IpMPg " R3 a0 s6 k7 O: t
" {& j% K0 o( |4 A! `" ~* G小宝门门都考了100分~~~喂,醒醒,枕头湿了!!!