廖彩杏英文书单:The Musical Life of Gustav Mole分享
这是一本关于音乐启蒙的书,小鼹鼠生在一个音乐之家,充满音乐的家永远不会无聊,快快加入我们的音乐大家族吧,音乐是用来交朋友的,拿起你手上的玻璃瓶,锅碗瓢盆加入我们的音乐之旅吧,音乐是用来分享的,音乐是用来跳舞的。这是一本充满乐趣的音乐绘本,让我们一起来玩音乐吧! Gustav Mole is lucky enough to be born into a musical family, and this charming tale traces the enriching role that music plays in his life. Gustav's musical education is rich and diverse, covering a wide variety of genres and styles. This is the perfect introduction to musical instruments, ensembles and occasions, and a humourous and sensitive exploration of what music can bring to our lives. 5 @& X' A0 p, Y, G- q+ Y
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7 r$ m$ `. a& N% c% N/ X为了孩子我爬我爬,咦~怎么总是没尽头呢!