一枚橡果从树上掉了下来,碴到了正在享用美味玉米的Henny Penny,让他错以为天要塌了。“天塌下来了!天塌下来!”多事又糊里糊涂的Henny Penny便开始四处散播这个离谱谣言。没想到,Cocky Locky,Goosey Loosey,Ducky Lucky,Turkey lurkey,这一只只傻里傻气的动物居然都相信它,而跟着它要去报告国王吗?这群不用大脑思考的家禽,最后又会遭遇到什么异想不到的事呢?
Henny-Penny and her partners want to tell the king that the sky is falling. On their way, they meet a fox.—”You are not going the right way,” said Foxy-Loxy. ”I will show you a good way to go.” What will happen next? Open the book and read it!