发表于: 2015-12-4 12:08:08
吴敏兰绘本123英文绘本White Rabbit's Color Book(适合3-6岁)mp3音频下载" J9 e# g5 z5 {& I+ p5 H0 ~
出版社:Kingfisher (1999年9月15日)0 l& R. C8 P: f) M4 V; v, y; [3 s1 X
丛书名: Little Rabbit Books
: J% A- C' _. n! a% M  [ White Rabbit's Color Book
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* L4 K: x" \" ]  SWhite Rabbit's Color Book绘本内容:$ U4 {# N# z5 }. D8 z5 k4 _
One inquisitive hop, and splash! goes White Rabbit into a bucket of yellow paint. Soon the little rabbit is jumping from bucket to bucket and learning all about colors and how they mix. Quivering with excitement, Brown Rabbit nudges open a square gift box and finds five balloons which take on all sorts of shapes. Gray Rabbit and Black-and-White Rabbit have their own adventures as they discover numbers and the alphabet. Toddlers will have fun and learn with these concept books, warmly illustrated with meticulous detail by Alan Baker." ~9 o( H: w8 j% s- D- d

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White Rabbit's Color Book吴敏兰绘本mp3音频下载:$ R, k, @# H5 E# W* ^
white rabbit\'s color book.zip (280.43 KB, 下载次数: 412) 6 L( X% N( z( I$ l, o

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" L0 n( M2 ]& ?5 T# _开启宝宝学英语之门———吴敏兰0-6岁书单篇

" a& c; r# z+ Q( Z+ ghttp://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-72637-1-1.html
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吴敏兰书单绘本资源 吴敏兰是两个孩子的妈,现任凯斯教育机构执行长,美国哈佛大学双语教育硕士。小时候跟着外交官父亲游走各国,受过六个国家不同文化的洗礼,学过七种语言,在泰国住了三年、韩国六年,回到台湾念国中,又到瑞典念高中,然后回台湾就读台大外文系,之后到美国哈佛大学取得跨文化双语教育硕士,并担任美国麻州双语教育(MABE)研究员。 群主: 卷ひ毛゛狗ッ

