吴敏兰绘本123英文绘本Little Cloud Mp3下载8 I' n7 P( ]6 J% C% c% C, Y
出版社:Penguin US(2001-03-19)! m# ?1 n: {/ w# h- t! T
我很喜欢用Little Cloud这本书来引发孩子的想象力,本书的颜色不多,主要以天空的蓝和云朵的白为主,但是作者以广告颜料的创作,却让白云在天空幻化为各种小孩日常生活中可见的具体事务,这是一本可以延伸不少美术活动的图画书。9 t- b/ g( P6 P$ u
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Little Cloud绘本内容:, {% J" k+ R$ G# ?! k( V
The clouds drift across the bright blue sky-all except one. Little Cloud trails behind. He is busy changing shapes to become a fluffy sheep, a zooming airplane, and even a clown with a funny hat. Eric Carle's trademark collages will make every reader want to run outside and discover their very own little cloud.
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Little Cloud吴敏兰绘本Mp3下载:
: h$ b# q0 b& I9 n5 k& ~4 B+ | U! W链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bneyRJT 密码:# x/ l! h! L2 O
0 W9 u$ T8 J! T5 Q开启宝宝学英语之门———吴敏兰0-6岁书单篇* U$ ` V/ x) ~' w g, {
http://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-72637-1-1.html! `5 e2 q6 x7 A& h1 [
' A3 r6 _' ?3 c; i' c. b默默的把爱币数了N遍,好像又少了几百?