发表于: 2016-1-5 17:39:33

6 X4 O( h: L# o; ?《Space Station Rat series 》电子书mobi+epub资源下载
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《Space Station Rat series 》电子书mobi+epub资源下载 8 ]0 f+ E, e  n% s6 r7 B
* q2 |6 ^! p& b/ D! J4 J6 u
适合年龄: 9 岁以上: {9 |/ K3 D3 E- p! U
语言: English 4 P. I+ F. a4 N1 f  ]
作者:Michael J. Daley 0 d: R5 g/ J. r+ S
简介:A lavender rat, which has escaped from a laboratory, accidentally stows away on a space station. In addition to the scientists, technicians, and astronauts on board, a lonely young boy attracts the rat's attention, and she watches him in an effort to get food. When the two encounter each other, the boy is amazed to discover that the rat has been trained to communicate in sign language and by typing. The two misfits begin a friendship based on need, as they fight off efforts to discover and stamp out the stowaway.6 @9 \; N2 `7 L6 b/ I5 ]# }( U9 ~, e$ c
7 v7 c/ |8 `1 [" b. z' z( w* J

$ `, h/ G( K5 N' _ 《Space Station Rat series 》电子书mobi+epub资源下载
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star198  评论于  2016-10-18 14:04:07
谢谢分享& r4 o( ?3 n" s1 ?2 \
mutis  评论于  2016-12-24 07:48:46
trankee  评论于  2019-9-29 16:07:25
trankee  评论于  2019-9-29 16:07:55
有声书音频及电子书资 在电子产品盛产的年代,电子书和有声书因为能永久性保存携带又方便,所以当下的电子书很受欢迎。电子书和有声书也可以促进孩子阅读。所以就想着把电子书和有声书的资源整合起来,方便家长给孩子看。 群主: 小柒麦麦

