发表于: 2019-12-15 14:45:58

美国学生必读百本有声章节书 -- A Princess of Mars Audio book MP3

Burroughs’ first publishedbook, as well as the first book in the Barsoom series, A Princess of Marsis a science fiction novel following the adventures of the heroic John Carter,after he is mysteriously transported to the planet Mars where he meets itsdivided inhabitants. The novel is considered to be a seminal for the planetaryromance, which is a sub-genre of science fantasy. Burroughs’ book has alsoinspired a number of well known science fiction writers during the beginning ofthe 20th century.% W4 K9 ]8 Z/ X( ^" B. M6 m8 i: d
The story sets off with theintroduction of Civil War veteran John Carter, who while mining for gold inArizona, gets into a skirmish with native Indians. Forced to evade inside amysterious cave, he is mysteriously transported to Mars, or Barsoom as it iscalled by its inhabitants. Carter discovers that he has immense strength andagility caused by the lower force of gravity on the planet. He then becomesacquainted with the Tharks, a nomadic tribe described as having four arms, afearsome temperament and mostly distinguished by their green skin. The Tharksfirst instincts to kill the strange creature are quickly pushed aside as theyare amazed by Carter’s super abilities and decide to take him prisoner instead.Carter learns the importance the Tharks place on strength and brutality, andthrough his new found vigor he rises to earn a respectable place among thetribe. Soon the princess Dejah Thoris, who is a part of the humanoid red raceof Helium, is captured by the Tharks. Carter’s attempt to save the princesscauses him to be caught up in the politics of the two opposing Martian sides.' {  x: n" ?: x9 z
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美国学生必读百本有声章节书 -- A Princess of Mars Audio book MP3

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As an escapist fantasy, thenovel contains many imaginative ideas which are successfully portrayed throughits depiction of the Red Planet and includes a detailed illustration of alienculture, romance, and action. The detail in which it is written and its fastmoving plot is what grabs and maintains the full attention of the reader. Astory of loyalty and sacrifice, A Princess of Mars is a masterpiece ofits time and an influence for the pulp fiction genre that followed.
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7 H  x' ?; d  M链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/15mlbCL04wQK6Ais9EBXXXw
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