发表于: 2019-12-11 15:03:37

亲子阅读 这么多猫咪 So Many Cats百度网盘下载

3 ^3 W' n& x4 c% V9 J% B5 ?我们原来有一只猫,仅有的一只,他是如此的悲伤和孤独。所以有一天有一只非常饥饿的猫咪在我们家门缝喵喵叫的时候,我们收留了她,我们想,这可能能让我们家的那只猫咪快乐一点吧。第二天早上,我们发现这只新到来的猫变成了猫妈妈,现在我们不是有2只,而是4只,哦,不,是5只猫了,3只小猫非常的活泼。有一天我们的一个邻居又带来了另外的一只猫。上个月,我的小弟弟Matt又带回来一只很丑很丑的猫。& ?1 a3 A' g0 c- o2 Z
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亲子阅读 这么多猫咪 So Many Cats百度网盘下载  故事简介:

' D$ Q. c! K2 OPreSchool-Grade 2 In amusing verse, de Regniers explains how a family with an only cat acquires a dozen cats. Along the way, children have many chances to count the accumulating felines. Weiss' illustrations, with their cheerful colors and effective use of white space, complement the text well, and youngsters will be able to distinguish the many cats by color and demeanor. This is definitely the cats' story; the humans are rarely seen above waist level, and all attention is constantly centered on the cats. Eager counters will listen and participate enthusiastically, but cat lovers will find special delight in the book.
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