兰登《STEP into READING》第3级The Bravest Dog Ever: The True Story of Balto译文



This is a true story about a very brave dog. His name was Balto. The year was 1925. Balto lived in Nome, Alaska. Nome was a frontier town. Most of the year it was buried under ice and snow.

这是一个关于一只勇敢的狗狗的故事 他的名字叫Balto 这是1925年 Balto住在阿拉斯加州的诺姆镇 诺姆是一个边境小城 一年的大部分时间它都被白雪覆盖


In winter there was no way to travel through all that ice and snow. Not on planes or trains or boats or cars. The only way to travel in Alaska was by dog sled. Balto was a sled dog. He worked for a gold-mining company not far from Nome. He helped carry food and tools to the miners. It was a good life for a sled dog.

冬天路被冰雪阻隔 不能乘飞机火车 或是船和车 在阿拉斯加唯一的交通工具就是雪橇犬 Balto也是其中之一 他在离诺姆不远的一家黄金矿业公司工作 他的工作是给矿工运送食物和工具 对于雪橇犬来说这是个好差事


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When the doctor saw the children he was very worried. The children had a terrible sickness. It was called diphtheria (dif-THEER-ee-ah). the doctor did not have the medicine he needed. Without the medicine the children would die. Without the medicine many other people in Nome would get diphtheria and die too. The doctor knew he had to get some medicine-fast.

医生看见这两个孩子后非常担忧 他们得了严重的疾病——白喉 医生没有他需要的药品 没有药 这两个孩子就会病死 没有药 诺姆镇的其他人也会染病死去 医生知道他需要快点拿到药品


The hospital in Anchorage, Alaska, had the medicine. But Anchorage was 800 miles away. The doctors in Anchorage put the medicine on a train. But soon the train got stuck in the deep snow. The train was still 700 miles from Nome!

在阿拉斯加州安克雷奇的医院有药 但是安克雷奇在800英里以外 安克雷奇的医生把药装上火车 但是不久 火车却被厚厚的雪困住了 火车距离诺姆镇还有700英里!


The people of Nome held a meeting. Everyone was very scared. “What are we going to do?” asked the doctor. “We have to get that medicine.” At last someone said, “What about a dog-sled relay? When one team of dogs gets tired, a new team will be ready to take over.” The room buzzed with excitement. That did seem like the quickest way to get the medicine. But the doctor frowned. “It will still take about fifteen days. That’s a long time. Too long.”

诺姆镇的居民开了会 所有人都很害怕 “我们该怎么办?”医生说“我们必须得要拿到那个药”最后一个人说“可不可以让雪橇犬接力?一队雪橇犬累了 新的一队再接替”整个会议室兴奋地议论着 这不是拿到药品最快的方法 但是医生皱了皱眉 “这还是需要十五天 太久太久了”


Maybe the doctor was right. But there was no other choice. So the mayor spoke over the radio. “Please help!” he said. “We need the best drivers and dogs to help save our town!” Gunnar heard the mayor on the radio. Gunnar knew he had the best dog team and the best lead dog. Balto would come to the rescue.

也许医生说的是对的 但是没有别的选择了 于是市长通过广播讲话 “请求大家的帮忙!”他说道“我们需要最棒的雪橇手和雪橇犬来拯救我们的小镇!”Gunner在广播中听到了市长的发言 Gunnar知道他有最优秀的雪橇犬队伍 还有最棒的领头犬 Balto可以拯救这个小镇


On January 27, 1925, the race to Nome began. Twenty-one dog teams were in the relay. Each team waited at a different stop.

1925年1月27日 去往诺姆的赛跑开始了 21个雪橇犬队伍参与了此次接力 每个队伍都在不同的站点等待


The first driver took the medicine from the train. He wrapped it in fur to keep it from freezing. Then he drove his dogs as fast as he could to the second stop. He made his run in good time. But soon the wind began to blow hard. The air grew colder. A blizzard was coming! It was one of the worst storms ever. Still the race went on. Somehow each dog team made it to the next stop.

第一个雪橇手从火车上取得了药品 用毛皮裹起来防止结冰 接着他驾驶着雪橇犬以最快的速度赶到了第二个站点 他及时赶到了 但是很快风开始变大了 空气也越来越冷 暴风雪就要来了!这是有史以来最大的一场雪 但是这场接力还在进行 每一队雪橇犬都坚持到了下一站


In one team, two dogs froze to death. So the driver hitched himself to the sled. He helped the rest of his dogs pull through the storm.

一个雪橇队伍中 两只狗冻死了 于是雪橇手也拿起了雪橇绳 和狗狗一起在风雪中拖着雪橇



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