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美国儿童英语自然拼音教材A progressive phonics book下载
时间:2013-07-17 17:08来源:互联网 作者:佚名 点击:
phonics自然拼读法,这套教材是progressive phonics, 全套教材分字母篇,初级篇,中级篇和高级篇。

phonics自然拼读法,这套教材是progressive phonics, 全套教材分字母篇,初级篇,中级篇和高级篇。Progressive Phonics ------ Easy, Fun, Effective ---英语自然发音教材,15册PDF格式,适合初学英语的儿童,非常有趣,有效。

What is Progressive Phonics?

Progressive Phonics is the only all-in-one reading program that is easy AND affordable AND fun to use.

With Progressive Phonics, ANYONE can teach a child to read in just a few minutes a day, which makes it ideal for parents, tutors, teacher-assistants and home-schoolers.

Teachers also use the Progressive Phonics all-in-one reading program because it is kid-friendly and adapts to different classroom situations and for almost all types of students -- average, fast, challenged, special needs, and English as a Second Language. (渐进的发音是很容易和负担得起的和有趣的使用唯一的一体化的阅读计划。连续语音,任何人都可以教孩子在短短的几分钟,一天读,这使得它非常适合家长,教师,教师助理和家庭教育。老师也使用渐进式语音一体化的阅读计划,因为它是孩子友好和适应不同的课堂情境中,几乎所有类型的学生——平均,快速,挑战,特殊需要,和英语作为第二语言。)




Beginning Book Set: book1-5

The downloadable beginner books are perfect for children who already know their alphabet, and who need practice reading short words.  Fun and easy, these downloadable books take the pain and frustration out of becoming competent at reading short vowel words, and also teach 35 of the 220 highest-frequency words that children absolutely have to know.(book1-5开始可下载的初学者,书是完美的孩子已经知道自己的字母,并且需要练习阅读简短的话。有趣和简单的,这些下载的书把痛苦和沮丧的在阅读短元音词成为主管,同时教35 220频率最高的话,孩子们必须知道)

Intermediate Book Set: book6-10

Perfect for children who can already read short, three-letter words, our downloadable Intermediate Books teach the next set of skills that young readers need -- (A) the ability to combine consonants (th-, ch-, tr-, -ng, -ck, etc.), and (B) the ability to decode and read long-vowels.  Fun and easy, these books take the "pain" out of learning these tricky skills.  These books also teach 97 of the 220 highest-frequency words that children absolutely must learn to read.(book6-10完美的孩子已经读过短,三个字母的单词,可下载的中间书籍教技巧下一组年轻读者的需要——(一)结合辅音的能力(TH,CH,TR -,-纳克,—CK,等),和(b)解码和读取长元音的能力。有趣和简单的,这些书把“痛苦”的学习这些技巧。这些书也教97 220频率最高的话,孩子们必须学会阅读。)

Advanced Book Set:  book11-13

The downloadable Advanced books teach the skills that children need to become independent readers -- R-controlled vowels (are, car, care, etc.), W-controlled vowels (watch, word, where, etc.), plurals, question-words, advanced long vowels (ei/ie, -gh-, etc.) and the basics of punctuation and syllables.  These books also teach the remainder of the 220 highest-frequency words that childen have to learn.(book11-13可下载的先进的书教的技能,孩子们需要成为独立的读者——r-controlled元音(是,汽车,医疗,等),w-controlled元音(看,词,在那里,等),复数,疑问词,先进的长元音(EI / IE,生长,等)和标点符号和音节的基本知识。这些书也教220频率最高的词的其余部分,孩子必须学会。

下载地址:a Progressive Phonics book (Easy, Fun, Effective) 英语自然发音教材15册PDF绘本



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