发表于: 2018-11-12 10:06:23

兰登分级阅读经典 Step into Reading Level 2辑30册ib格式点读包下载

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兰登书屋出版社出版的Step into Reading分级阅读系列,致力于为孩子们创造最成功的阅读体验。这套系列丛书热销二十五年,全系列主要共分为1-5个级别(另增加了导读与独立阅读两个系列),每页包含2-60个单词,适合学龄前儿童至小学生阅读。整套系列都是原汁原味的英语原版图书,书中用词地道,词汇丰富,插画漂亮,有助于改善孩子的英语阅读能力。本系列书籍的内容包罗万象,有图画书、数学、经典童话故事、励志故事和科普类等。

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1. Beef Stew

2. Platypus!: A Science Reader

3. Five Silly Fishermen: A Math Reader

4. Mice Are Nice

5. Oh My, Pumpkin Pie!

6. One Hundred Shoes: A Math Reader

7. A Dollar for Penny: A Math Reader

8. Wake Up, Sun!

9. Silly Sara: A Phonics Reader

10. Whose Feet?: A Science Reader

11. Mary Clare Likes to Share: A Math Reader

12. Peanut

13. Bones: A Science Reader

14. My Loose Tooth

15. Ready? Set. Raymond!

16. Sir Small and the Dragonfly

17. Dinosaur Babies: A Science Reader

18. My New Boy

19. Tiger Is a Scaredy Cat

20. Cat on the Mat

21. Barn Storm

22. Monster Parade: sticker book

23. A Monster Is Coming!

24. Snow Wonder: sticker book

25. All Stuck up

26. Bear’s Big Ideas

27. David and the Giant

28. Honey Bunny’s Honey Bear

29. The Teeny Tiny Woman

30. Unicorn Wings

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