这个自检表整体分为初级,中级和高级及超高级,在初级中又分中高级三个阶段,比较具体详细, 英文通俗精准易懂,孩子在自检的过程中又真正体验英文阅读的实际用处了,自检,也是培养孩子学习自觉性,内在动因的一个方面。父母可以和孩子一起,也给自己做一份,给孩子一个氛围。
英语交流初级之一级自检表 日期:
I can communicate using single words and memorized phrases. |
I can do this easily and well
This is one of my goals
I can greet people in a polite way using single words and memorized phrases. *I can say hello to a person I do not know. * I can say hello to an adult. *I can say hello to my teacher. *I can say hello to someone my age or younger. *I can---------(个人认为能说明这项的实例,依此)
I can introduce myself to someone.
I can answer simple questions using one or more words. * I can respond to a yes/no question. *I can answer an either/or question. * I can------------
I can answer questions about my preferences using one or more words or memorized phrases. *I can respond to a question about my preferences. *I can answer an either/or question about my preferences. *I can------------
I can react to a statement using one or more words or memorized phrases. * I can express a positive reaction, such as “Great!” * I can express a sympathetic reaction, such as “That’s too bad!” *I can express a negative reaction, such as “That’s horrible!” *I can express agreement with a reaction, such as “OK!” * I can express neutrality, such as “So-So.” * I can-------------
再次说明一下,自检表使用的时候一定要在每条后面附上一个自己做到这条的具体事例,这样才能加深理解,因为自检的目的是整理自己的进步和清楚下一步努力的目标,不是为了向谁证明什么。比如,第二栏的第一条,I can ask and answer questions about what I like and dislike. 在这条后面画挑儿的方块儿下面这样写上:“Do you like my shirt?” Jan.4 2012 这样自己就清楚了我是如何做到这条的和具体什么时候。
I can interact with help using words, phrases, and memorized expressions. I can answer simple questions on very familiar topics.
I can do this easily and well.
This is one of my goals.
I can introduce myself and others using basic, culturally appropriate greetings. *I can introduce myself and someone else. *I can respond appropriately to an introduction using gestures when needed. *I can--------------
I can ask simple questions and give simple responses on familiar topics using words, phrases, and memorized expressions. * I can ask and answer questions about what I like and dislike. *I can ask and answer questions about what I am doing. *I can answer questions about where I am going. *I can say when I am going to do something. * I can ask and answer questions about the weather. * I can--------------
I can exchange information about myself, my family, and familiar things using words, phrases, and memorized expressions. * I can say my name and ask someone what his/her name is. * I can identify the members of my family and ask someone about his/her family with a simple question. * I can exchange simple descriptions of what people look like. *I can exchange simple descriptions about personality. * I can --------------
I can understand and say numbers in simple situations. * I can exchange information that requires counting, such as playing a board game, saying the score of a game, or counting the number of people or items. * I can ask and understand how much something costs. * I can ask and give the time, date, birth date, age, and phone number. * I can--------------
I can exchange information about something I have learned using memorized words and phrases. * I can tell someone the name of a story I read in school. *I can tell someone the time and location of a community event. *I can--------------
接上两篇,具体做法和前面所介绍的一样。 I can exchange information about familiar tasks, topics, and activities. I can handle short social interactions using phrases and simple sentences, but I may need help or visuals to keep the conversation going. (概论) |
I can do this easily and well
This is one of my goals
I can exchange personal information using phrases and simple sentences. I can ask and express a home address and email address. I can ask and express someone’s nationality. I can ask and tell about family members and their characteristics. I can ask and tell about friends, classmates, and teachers. I can……..
I can exchange information about what I have learned using texts, graphs, or pictures. I can ask about and identify familiar things in a picture from a story. I can ask about and identify important information about the weather using a map. I can ask and respond to simple questions about dates, times, places, and events on schedules, posters, and tickets. I can respond to simple questions about math problems in class using graphs.
I can ask for and give simple directions to go somewhere or do something. I can ask for directions to a place. I can tell someone how to get from one place to another, such as go straight, turn left, or turn right. I can tell someone where something is located, such as next to, across from, or in the middle of. I can …………….
I can exchange information with other people about what to do, where to go, and when to meet. I can accept or reject an invitation to do something or go somewhere. I can invite and make plans with someone to do something or go somewhere. I can exchange information about where to go, such as to the store, the movie theater, a concert, a restaurant, the lab, or when to meet. I can………
I can interact with others using simple language in everyday situations. I can order a meal. I can make a purchase. I can buy a ticket. I can………