儿童经典英文绘本:狗狗不穿运动鞋 Dogs Don't Wear Sneakers
狗狗不穿运动鞋 Dogs Don't Wear Sneakers by Laura Numeroff (Author), Joe Mathieu (Illustrator) ,由Aladdin 在1996年出版,适合年龄3-7岁,学龄前至小学2年级。
还记得那本《If You Give a Mouse a Cookie 》吗?这本书的作者 Laura Numeroff 的另一本书《狗狗不穿运动鞋 Dogs Don't Wear Sneakers》照样让孩子们捧腹大笑,喜欢不已。
一些在我们人类看来再普通不过的事情,如果动物们做起来就会憨态可掬 。狗狗们不穿远动鞋;小狗们不带帽子;小猫穿上裙子讲会看起来傻傻的;绵羊不冲凉,山羊不刮胡子;你不会在熊的山洞里发现浴盆;驼鹿不打保龄球;母鸡们不会游泳;你也不会看到公鸡们在运动场上忙活。。。
Animals would look pretty silly doing a lot of the things that people do all the time. The unlikely combinations in Laura Numeroff's cheerful rhymes and Joe Mathieu's bright, zany pictures will make you laugh out loud. What sort of crazy creatures can you dream up?