Key words 练习册4册套装 英文原版 配套练习 ladybird快乐瓢虫 Key words 作为一套畅销全球的分级读物,是由世界知名的儿童出版社Penguin专为4-12岁儿童设计的全球畅销之重典精品。Key Words Activity Book,专为Key words设计的配套练习,使用Key words时搭配练习册效果更好。我为儿子买了一套,特意扫描给大家分享。) f; ?$ Q7 V1 U q3 x( p
2 e Z, O/ t, r4 b9 B+ R5 {
( ? r8 j# _, n2 }Key Words Activity Book 1-44 m* | b* C. [- C# b
Ladybird (Author)
/ R# ?9 z7 @" \6 J JPaperback: 24 pages/册
\ [5 a) |% T+ [7 e( X( MPublisher: Ladybird; Open market ed edition (March 24, 2009)7 n& E1 q7 O* B A
Language: English9 d6 U! z8 }: b% j/ B( r- J
Product Dimensions: 19.8 x 0.6 x 29.5 cm/册
3 u, k8 n! v1 U: A% KProvides practice in the main aspects of language, including the first 300 Key Words. This series contains four activity books which offer a start for those learning to read and write in English.+ c" _8 p/ D2 p2 j
+ ]0 ?- y$ T1 D" G8 I: H1 @链接:
0 U. v6 U. B& I' n2 u+ w/ q3 X3 U