内容简介:同杰克•伦敦的《荒野的呼唤》和埃里克•奈特的《灵犬莱西》一样,《红色羊齿草的故乡》也是美国最伟大的有关狗的故事。 《红色羊齿草的故乡》远远不仅仅是有关狗的故事,还是关于一个男孩和他无可抗拒地想拥有一条狗的梦想,是二十世纪上半叶密苏里山区的一个家庭生活的故事,是有关打猎,因此也包含了死亡的故事. Where the Red Fern Grows is a children's novel written by Wilson Rawls about a boy who buys and trains two redbone coonhound hunting dogs. This book is a popular choice for early middle school reading classes, with a reading level appropriate to grades 4 and up.
《红色羊齿草的故乡》Where the Red Fern Grows.pdf
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