A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to School 英文原版PDF+分段音频下载 在去学校的路上,Henry遇见了邪恶的忍者、魁梧的猿猴、神秘的流浪汉、问路的小红帽,还有无数其他让人害怕的邪恶生物,真是惊险万分!这到底是怎么一回事呢?首先,一些巨型蚂蚁偷吃了我的早餐。然后在来学校的路上,“我”又遇见了邪恶的忍者、魁梧的猿猴、神秘的流浪汉、问路的小红帽,以及无数其他让人害怕的邪恶生物。这真是惊险万分!“我”真的因为这样迟到了吗?还是另有蹊跷呢?本书节奏轻快,情节惊险刺激,让人忍俊不禁。如此脑洞大开的题材一定也能虏获中国小朋友的心!猿猴错把校车当成香蕉。“我”遇见了神秘的流浪汉。
, Q, T# ^' Y, t9 d& `- H% v4 D' y( Z- p4 n, }2 r8 q6 M
& K& a: Y1 m6 I# X6 ?1 P3 q" @First, some giant ants steal breakfast.Then there are the evil ninjas, massive ape, mysterious mole people, giant blob, and countless other daunting (and astonishing) detours along the way to school. Are these excuses really why this student is late? Or is there another explanation that is even more outrageous than the rest? From Davide Cali and Benjamin Chaud, the critically acclaimed author/illustrator team behind I Didn't Do My Homework Because . . . comes a fast-paced, actionpacked, laugh-out-loud story about finding the way to school despite the odds—and the unbelievable oddness! Plus, this is the fixed format version, which will look almost identical to the print version. Additionally for devices that support audio, this ebook includes a read-along setting., e0 t- b# W0 W, r
$ O! x6 g9 S/ V2 A链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1TmjSWYnMqXY3hrpbzRsfRA
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" F' T8 Z P7 A5 S小宝门门都考了100分~~~喂,醒醒,枕头湿了!!!