发表于: 2020-3-14 15:03:21

纽伯瑞小说金奖 独一无二的伊万 The One and Only Ivan PDF格式下载

内容推荐. c  X& V: @: U/ k
伊万是一只随和的大猩猩。他在人类视线下,在有玻璃窗的世界中生活了太久,所以已经忘记了丛林的样子。同时,伊万又是一名出色的艺术家,每天沉浸在色彩和线条的国度里,直到他遇见小象露比。露比的到来唤醒了伊万沉睡已久的情感,彻底地改变了伊万的世界。作者Katherine Applegate用她幽默而辛辣的语言,搭建起了这个关于友谊、艺术和希望的故事。" Y/ a/ V5 f& w2 z$ Q
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* N4 O) s- ]$ ^! Y& R5 pKatherine Applegate,美国儿童文学家。Applegate最受欢迎的是科学,冒险类小说。
4 Y; U/ B. F/ B8 }3 b% ?When I started to write about the grim facts of the realIvan's solitary existence, a new tale slowly began to take shape. At least on the page, where anything is possible, I wanted togive Ivan (even while captive behind the walls of his tiny cage) avoice of his own and a story to tell.
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纽伯瑞小说金奖 独一无二的伊万 The One and Only Ivan PDF格式下载

; q" ^' e/ a0 B
1 W4 s6 M5 E+ p% bSchool Library Journal Best of Children's Books2012
  O8 F# P! J& Z( iKirkus Reviews Best of Children's Books2012& U) E" E; D5 o& A# J5 T" O
Amazon 2012 Best Books of the Year, MiddleGrade" [% v  F0 g0 q5 f5 e8 Q* B
Chicago Public Library Best of the Best2012
: K. E: o+ |  P4 N+ n8 b( A4 E2 }New York Public Library 100 Books for Readingand Sharing, 20124 J) N' u* A) S+ q* @+ F
Cybils shortlist, 2012 middle grade fantasy(Children’s and Young Adult Bloggers’ LiteraryAwards)
1 K. d: b. n+ [# P" [Texas Bluebonnet Award, 2013-14 MasterList  z+ e% u1 _4 W5 G. n- ]& m
2012 Nerdies Book Award, middle gradefiction
, Z' ^: \) g- p# w. C3 D% Z. ~3 J* U0 t0 G1 o3 \  Q0 [2 o/ J; m# R2 z
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5 ]8 D$ F0 n8 P) o
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