发表于: 2020-1-22 17:11:09

有声书 Plague Ship ,By: Andre Norton 含mp3、kindle ebook 、pdf书

一艘自由贸易火箭船驶往遥远的星球Sargol,那里拥有巨大的自然财富和珍贵的宝石。这艘飞船由英勇的戴恩·索森(Dane Thorson)和他手下勇敢的太空商人们驾驶。在Sargol,他们开始与这个奇怪星球上的居民进行复杂的谈判。这些猫科动物,Salariki,不愿意与自由贸易者建立商业伙伴关系,直到他们发现船上有少量的猫薄荷,这是他们从另一个贸易站获得的。完全被征服了,萨拉里基人同意用猫薄荷交换一堆珍贵的宝石。
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有声书 Plague Ship ,By: Andre Norton 含mp3、kindle ebook 、pdf书

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A Free Trader rocket ship heads for the remote planet, Sargol, which is blessed with immense natural wealth and precious gemstones. The ship is manned by the heroic Dane Thorson and his crew of intrepid space traders. On Sargol, they enter into complicated negotiations with the inhabitants of this strange planet. These feline people, the Salariki, are reluctant to enter into a business partnership with the free traders till they discover that the ship carries a small amount of catnip on board which they'd obtained from another trading post. Completely overwhelmed, the Salariki agree to exchange the catnip for a valuable load of precious stones.
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