发表于: 2020-3-2 17:02:54

【有声书】《雷迪·福克斯的冒险故事》The Adventures of Reddy Fox

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; t3 c* x1 X) T! o( U. L' ^These delightful stories created by the writer known famously asthe Bedtime Story Man provide hours of endless enjoyment for readers both youngand old. His daily newspaper column which he wrote without a break from 1912through to 1960 featured a host of engaging characters and their lively pranksand doings.
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In this charmingly illustrated volume, ReddyFox, the young hero is sent to stay with his grandma. Grandmother Fox is the“wisest, slyest and smartest fox in all the country around” and she takes itupon herself to educate Reddy in the things that every fox should know! Thusbegins a battle of wits between Farmer Brown, Farmer Brown's Boy, Reddy andGrandmother Fox. Interspersed with each story are tiny nuggets of valuablelessons on life—the dangers of pride and boastfulness, the value of friendshipand loyalty, the perils of disobedience, nature's laws, kindness to others eventhough they may be our enemies and other such wonderful bits of folksy wisdom.
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【有声书】《雷迪·福克斯的冒险故事》The Adventures of Reddy Fox

* R2 G6 H: `6 P# A. I1 i( s) h/ [
Born in 1874, Thornton Burgess was a passionateand keen American conservationist and naturalist who was brought up by hismother in straitened circumstances after his father's early death. The young Thornton worked at avariety of odd jobs to put himself through school and college and help hismother run the house. One of his jobs was located in a wooded area near thetown and it was here that Thorntondeveloped his passion for wildlife, nature and conservation.( D  Y! y0 g% S2 \
( y/ H- b3 n5 f* x7 y
He began writing stories on nature whileworking as an editorial assistant and they were received with great acclaim andenthusiasm the world over. His works were translated into many Europeanlanguages while his daily radio broadcasts became a bedtime ritual forgenerations of children. Television adaptations of his stories were made inmany countries, while a Japanese anime used many of his characters to wonderfuleffect.* b5 b& n" L& @1 p8 _) T

# D/ w4 w$ t$ kThe Adventures of Reddy Fox takesthe reader into an unforgettable world set in Green Meadows and Green Forest,and the twenty-six chapters trace Reddy's development from a timid and fearfulyoungster into a smart and bold fellow. Reddy's personality is a wonderfulblend of curiosity, childhood rebellion, street-smartness and fun. Peopled witha host of characters like Mister Buzzard, Peter Rabbit (based on BeatrixPotter's immortal creation) Unc Billy Possum, Jimmy Skunk and many more, thisvolume is sure to delight readers of all ages.+ F0 M; A2 F) @1 c! D& l

* Q+ j# M) R. hThese delightful stories created by the writerknown famously as the Bedtime Story Man provide hours of endless enjoyment forreaders both young and old. His daily newspaper column which he wrote without abreak from 1912 through to 1960 featured a host of engaging characters andtheir lively pranks and doings.
; k# b( H) S. \- @- ^2 F& o+ ^, ~- M5 I" f
In this charmingly illustrated volume, ReddyFox, the young hero is sent to stay with his grandma. Grandmother Fox is the“wisest, slyest and smartest fox in all the country around” and she takes itupon herself to educate Reddy in the things that every fox should know! Thus beginsa battle of wits between Farmer Brown, Farmer Brown's Boy, Reddy andGrandmother Fox. Interspersed with each story are tiny nuggets of valuablelessons on life—the dangers of pride and boastfulness, the value of friendshipand loyalty, the perils of disobedience, nature's laws, kindness to others eventhough they may be our enemies and other such wonderful bits of folksy wisdom.
. j7 T( ?, F4 `; qBorn in 1874, Thornton Burgess was a passionateand keen American conservationist and naturalist who was brought up by his motherin straitened circumstances after his father's early death. The young Thornton worked at avariety of odd jobs to put himself through school and college and help hismother run the house. One of his jobs was located in a wooded area near thetown and it was here that Thorntondeveloped his passion for wildlife, nature and conservation.2 s' v# \% C5 y; g7 ]( i3 z  A6 h
4 h: T2 w$ p2 t. C: n0 \
He began writing stories on nature whileworking as an editorial assistant and they were received with great acclaim andenthusiasm the world over. His works were translated into many Europeanlanguages while his daily radio broadcasts became a bedtime ritual forgenerations of children. Television adaptations of his stories were made inmany countries, while a Japanese anime used many of his characters to wonderfuleffect.
9 o1 o9 N( s) S- z! ?; a6 s% i8 ^9 d; V0 z
The Adventures of Reddy Fox takesthe reader into an unforgettable world set in Green Meadows and Green Forest,and the twenty-six chapters trace Reddy's development from a timid and fearfulyoungster into a smart and bold fellow. Reddy's personality is a wonderfulblend of curiosity, childhood rebellion, street-smartness and fun. Peopled witha host of characters like Mister Buzzard, Peter Rabbit (based on BeatrixPotter's immortal creation) Unc Billy Possum, Jimmy Skunk and many more, thisvolume is sure to delight readers of all ages.5 [8 y) @1 r0 I/ {) \2 q( N8 g3 B; x

9 B' ~. [* X; x2 D3 _* Q链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1AmX1W_RMr0xTUXUmbJrb6w
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英语桥梁书&章节书 桥梁书 是引用西方国家书目上的 Bridging Books 概念,台湾翻译为 "桥梁书", 是一种针对低中年级孩子,带领他们从图像阅读,顺利跨入文字阅读。桥梁书的文字比绘本多、插图为辅、内容贴近孩子生活,不论是有趣或奇幻的故事,皆能寓教于乐。 群主: 香喷喷的臭豆腐

