牛津阅读树绘本阅读之 Save Floppy!中文指导
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个人觉得这套牛津阅读树绘本真心不错,不管是什么样的书籍和绘本最重要的是你怎么用他,有没有用对!建议大家可以给孩子看看。 ; ]5 ~, m8 `, {; Z# g
有些家长买了这套读物回去不知道怎么读?其实我们网上也有家长分享过指导心得,但都是很分散,没有一个集中性的归类整理,发布本篇文章的初衷是希望通过爱贝小编整理的翻译,能让家长更好的带着孩子阅读Biff,Chip&Kipper Stories系列绘本! , J8 C3 h n3 g$ t7 K0 L
牛津阅读树这套分级相信无需我们再次介绍了!直接来说说分级4里面第 8-9 Save Floppy! 吧。 猛戳这里→讲讲绘本中的一些无字书需要怎么引导阅读? 7 P* `$ d2 |6 I& s& W4 z
猛戳这里→牛津阅读树Oxford Reading Tree的无字书怎么读? 6 }) g1 ?$ S$ j; n3 L
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4 v& ?" N% P. X$ l如何来阅读 Save Floppy! 先上图 《Save Floppy!》 快救Floppy!
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5 Q1 ?4 K, h0 d' y2.问:猜猜Floppy在哪里?
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The last magic adventure had gone wrong. Floppy had been left behind. A giant bird had flown off with him. This was because a horrid genie had escaped from a bottle. " And it was all my fault, "said Biff. : d! B. r6 X4 t" C' Q
上一次魔法冒险出错了。 Floppy被落下了。一只巨鸟带上他一起飞走了。 这是因为一个可怕的妖怪从瓶子里逃了出来。 “这都是我的错,”Biff说。
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" We've got to rescue Floppy, "said Chip. "We must go back into the adventure." " But we can't make the key glow, "said Biff. "I know, "said Chip," but we must try. We have to find a way to get the genie back in the bottle." % U6 j! Z5 S8 \1 p$ z1 v
“我们要去营救Floppy了,”Chip说。“我们必须回到冒险中去。” “但是我们不能让钥匙发光,”Biff说。 “我知道,”Chip说,“但我们必须试一试。 我们必须找到一种让妖怪回到瓶子里的方法。" # _( S. P( T/ K4 M
Biff and Chip looked at the magic key. "Oh, if only it would glow, "said Biff. Then the magic key did begin to glow. The magic took the children back into the last adventure. 9 o6 s7 d' s- T9 E
Biff和Chip看着神奇的钥匙。 “哦,要是它能发光就好了。”Biff说。 然后神奇的钥匙开始发光。 魔法把孩子们带回上一次的冒险中。 2 l3 \3 f* t- h* K3 g/ Q: }4 A
The magic took them to an island. Biff had been there before. It was the island where the giant bird had flown away with Floppy. Kamar was still there. He was with his father, Hassan. * @2 x6 L1 J5 ]. d' D5 w$ a; s
魔法把他们带到一个岛上。Biff之前去过那里。 这是那只巨鸟和Floppy飞走的地方。Kamar还待在那里。 他和父亲Hassan在一起。
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Hassan and Kamar were mending their boat.Kamar ran to meet them. "You have come back! "he said to Biff."Where have you been?" "You wouldn't believe it, "said Biff, "even if we told you."
) s e6 P5 v: J; h4 {Hassan和Kamar正在修船。Kamar跑过去迎接他们。 “你们回来了!”他对Biff说。”你们去哪儿了?” “说了你也不会相信的,”Biff说,“即使我们告诉你。” . N- S8 R* d# ]: z
"This is my brother, Chip, "said Biff. "We have come back to rescue Floppy." Kamar shook his head. " That will be very dangerous, "he said. " The giant bird took him up to the top of that mountain."
+ g$ P3 t5 U+ [. K“这是我弟弟,Chip,”Biff说。“我们回来救Floppy。” Kamar摇了摇头。 “那非常危险,”他说。"那只巨鸟把他带到了那座山的山顶上。"
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" I know, "said Biff, "and that's where were going. We must get up there as fast as we can." " Stop!" shouted Kamar. "Don't go! Have you forgotten about the evil genie?" "We'll worry about him later, "said Chip. 此部分内容需回复后可见 # T( g! S# A" Z- K% F
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