《贝贝熊系列丛书》讲述每个有孩子的现代家庭里都会发生的故事,涉及孩子第一时间面临的各种问题,如偏食、怕黑、见啥要啥、房间凌乱、沉迷电视、爱说谎、乱花钱、为作业烦恼、不知道该如何对待陌生人和怎样与父母相处等等,内容典型亲切,引导婉转可行,情理结合,趣意兼具,充满了爱心和智慧,是孩子健康行为的最好的启蒙老师,是家长施教方法的循循善诱者。 ![]() . m: p& f6 z6 m2 z! b
书籍目录 1. The Berenstain Bears: All Aboard! 2. The Berenstain Bears CLEAN HOUSE[/p 3. The Berenstain Bears' Class Trip 4. The Berenstain Bears Down on the Farm 5. The Berenstain Bears' Family Reunion 6. The Berenstain Bears'Help the homeless 7. The Berenstain Bears' New Pup 8. The Berenstain Bears: Honey hunt helpers 9. The Berenstain Bears Play T-Ball 10.The Berenstain Bears'KITTEN RESCUE 11.The Berenstain Bears' Sleepover 12.The Berenstain Bears and we love trucks! 13.The Berenstain Bears Neihbor in need 14.The Berenstain Bears at the Aquarium 15.The Berenstain Bears' Seashore Treasure 16.The Berenstain Bears and Mama for mayor! 17.The Berenstain Bears and the wishing star 18 .The Berenstain Bears out west 19 .The Berenstain Bears New Kitten 20. The Berenstain Bears and the Shaggy little pony 21. The Berenstain Bears and the Baby chipmunk 22.The Berenstain Bears and the little lost cub 23. The Berenstain Bears God made the seasons 24 The Berenstain Bears Faith gets us through 25 The Berenstain Bears MAMA'S HELPERS 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/15lxojVkHC3fMZaaUI6kq4A 购买游客,此处含付费内容已被隐藏,需要支付 5钻石 才能浏览 提示:购买前请先点网盘链接是否有效再进行购买 声明:仅提供点读包下载,不含点读包指导安装问题 5 u; c- m& w# i9 L