小美妞 [大学生]
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发表于: 2019-6-17 17:51:10
廖彩杏书单:Magic Shoelaces 神奇的鞋带 译文指导/ p: |- A. w6 W) u9 b
2 K  C0 ~5 X6 I! H* v6 o( ~

, e/ Q) i3 q" e; S 廖彩杏书单:Magic Shoelaces 神奇的鞋带 译文指导 0 V% y& \: N) n! L# B
One morning, just after breakfast, Jessica and her little brother Matthew were hurrying about the house. Matthew was combing his hair. And Jessica, with her new blue dress and big blue hair ribbon, was busy cleaning up.
( f! n$ g$ G( }7 Q一天早上,刚吃过早饭,Jessica和她的弟弟Matthew在屋子里忙着。Matthew在梳头。Jessica,穿着蓝色新裙子,戴着蓝色头带,正忙着打扫。
/ Q: l( K  S% Y6 z) y. k7 O/ T8 X0 Y; R3 e' ^( H# T' n

: W! _, w8 y! bMatthew! Mother said you are going to be late for play-school! My friends are coming over, and I need to mop this floor. How many times do I have to tell you: hurry up and tie those shoes!! P4 z# r6 O9 X  N# K/ t
6 P( G+ ?$ V" [$ u6 m" ^ 廖彩杏书单:Magic Shoelaces 神奇的鞋带 译文指导   @' [2 d& c$ m* n' j- y5 V
I just did, Jessica! They keep coming untied!
: \+ _2 x* U2 w. J9 I* C我系了,Jessica!它们老是散开!
- ^$ K$ G+ j0 d  r( T- n; O/ [
& \/ r( z7 x0 ]+ \  U+ {Well, tie them again! Mother always says, ’Practice makes perfect’. And she marched off like a soldier with her mop over her shoulder, leaving Matthew alone.
8 Z2 w( h6 O9 W那么,再系一次!妈妈总是说,“练习造就完美”。她扛着拖把,像个士兵一样走了,留下Matthew独自一人。
9 C9 x. F5 k4 t' G$ L& n  e, X
3 h! i) g* \3 d1 D0 K& NHe knelt down to tie his shoes once again. Right over left, left over right, make a loop, circle the loop, under the bridge, pull. There, that should do it! Good-bye, sister. See you later.
- k* Y  z+ H$ ?) o3 X4 G- `他跪下来,再一次,系他的鞋子。右边在左边上面,左边在右边上面,做个环,圈住它,从桥下,啦。好了,应该可以了!再见,姐姐。一会儿见。' W0 J; n4 M1 z$ B

) m* x8 `. N5 l+ O) P. m* tNo sooner had Matthew walked out the front floor when Whoosh! K-PONG! He trapped over his shoelaces and tumbled down the front steps. Oh, Nooooo! My shoelaces did it again.8 I0 O! i0 V( W
. E; k! s+ J- h1 ]4 [5 W  ~ 廖彩杏书单:Magic Shoelaces 神奇的鞋带 译文指导
2 p/ W+ v$ A/ K! m9 P. R5 x8 L# Y+ d: _0 Y$ e; u& ]3 c4 p- ?
Remember what Mother says...’Those who do not keep their laces tied will fall down.’ These shoelaces are nothing but trouble. Matthew tied his shoes once again. He picked himself up and strolled off down the street, proudly whistling a tune he just made up. As he turned the corner on his block, he walked past a group of older kids. Hey guys! Take a look at that kid’s laces.3 L, `$ r+ D) S6 i( e! X( x% a
记住妈妈的话...‘没系好带子的人,会摔跤。’这些鞋带啥也不是,只是麻烦。再一次,Matthew系好他的鞋子。他站起来,一边自豪地吹着自己刚编的调子,一边沿着街道漫步。他转到街区的拐角处时,路过了一群大孩子。嘿,伙计们!看看那娃的鞋带。. y1 F: L7 v& y& b; W. D% ^
0 V: L5 f+ H  ?7 a
Oh, no! Not again!. p7 N) J7 ]' Y6 \$ U
) ^( a1 j- ]+ ~$ j4 O  B& i7 G8 o
! Z- _* Q3 _* g" z% ?! bWhat are those worms doing crawling out of your shoes? Can’t keep your laces tied! Ha! Ha! Ha!
5 d* ]1 A* \0 p2 w) M% ]1 @+ `那些蚯蚓从你的鞋子里爬出来干嘛?系不上鞋带!哈哈哈!$ [3 _( z' N& L4 [) k4 `
廖彩杏书单:Magic Shoelaces 神奇的鞋带 译文指导
" `* C: t6 Y# h6 [7 [, C( @2 |8 R! v: @5 n0 j" I
I’m sick and tired of lacing and tying. I don’t need shoelaces. I’ll just take them out!: B5 K% i: v7 h" F
系呀,绑呀,烦死了!我不需要鞋带。我要把他们取掉。. ?9 D! E2 ^$ A( |$ K. C
: K0 E5 [0 b; `% d
Ahhhh! That’s better!9 @) K% W! P  r" I
啊!好些了!4 @( V* O0 w3 W/ p* u* b
8 \% `1 m6 W& X* j( u1 Z
Swinging his shoelaces from his hands, Matthew walked on down the street, passed a garden filled with yellow flowers and buzzing bees.  [' m. y4 L) F! S* l" i  e3 H7 K0 f- R
Matthew一边挥舞着手里的鞋带,一边继续沿着街道走。他经过了一个花园,花园里满是黄黄的花朵和嗡嗡的蜜蜂。, p  p6 a1 B1 d  A+ K

! T: ~2 n/ n; {9 u# ~3 b7 R, x9 FNow what’s happening? But without shoelaces, his shoes were so loose that Matthew walked right out of them. I’ll have to carry them. He took off his loose shoes and socks, and held them in his hands. Then he walked down barefoot. But as look what happened, just as Matthew passed the garden, he stepped on a bee. Oooooooooooooouch!
- D) M  ~2 M: n0 {& w6 I$ W现在是什么情况?没有鞋带,鞋子太松了,Matthew直接走到鞋子外面去了。我只能拿着它们了。他把松鞋子和袜子脱了,拿在手里。然后,光着脚走路。但是看看发生了什么。Matthew路过花园的时候,踩到了一只蜜蜂。好痛!8 T( S3 X$ b) F* r, w+ w2 P  \
廖彩杏书单:Magic Shoelaces 神奇的鞋带 译文指导
% x( E4 j. E5 ~7 J# [, s& Y# [2 w  X
My poor foot! Why do shoelaces have to be so much trouble? Matthew held his foot, then he sat and thought for a moment. I wish... I wish... I wish shoelaces would not always come untied.8 M# J; }3 M8 i# M! U
我可怜的脚!为什么鞋带会这么麻烦?Matthew握着脚,坐在那儿想了一会儿。我希望,我希望,我希望鞋带不会总是散。/ z+ O  C- ?& n* K+ l
1 P* {! v, c- N; L! ~0 D( }  {! z1 I
( r/ F( j) O( ]! V4 S& x
" b% o, ^5 t0 i3 I  x
Suddenly, in a sparkle of purple light and smoke, a magic man appeared beside Matthew. He wore a tall hat and a big bow tie covered with stars. On each shoulder, fluttered a white dove. There was one rabbit at his feet, and another that peeped out from under his hat as the man danced a little jig. In one hand, he carried a magic wand, and in the other, he held a dozens of sparkling colored shoelaces.
. R; W. X) P: O' ^3 ^8 N- l突然,在一团紫色的光和烟里,一个魔术师出现了,就在Matthew的旁边。他戴着一顶高帽子和一个大大的星星领结。两个肩膀上,各飞舞着一只白鸽。他跳着吉格舞,一只兔子在他的脚边,另一只,从他的帽子里钻出来偷瞄。他一只手拿着一根魔术棒,另一只手则拿着几十根闪亮的彩色鞋带。) d0 W& F- t3 W1 o) [% ~) G
( b" _  ?1 Z: q$ `) r
Magic shoelaces! Step right up! Magic shoelaces! No more ‘practice makes perfect’. Guaranteed not to come untied!, {/ w# ?) I0 M6 G5 i
" k& w* r* l& |' P( |
% f$ N+ L* N% ]! j9 f3 N& d  eHello there, Sonny. Step right up for magic shoelaces.2 s, o; P. k2 _( ~
! |' H2 o1 i% E) S& a
4 m1 A- v4 h5 S9 w2 o8 D8 \ 廖彩杏书单:Magic Shoelaces 神奇的鞋带 译文指导 $ K% @/ K4 f: O+ i8 c* d
I don’t have any money, Sir.7 s! {  ~" v' p' l+ [
3 K; n2 p& u( A3 B
8 N1 P2 Q: u- w. {0 C9 p) o; i
You can’t buy them, only swap. Mine for yours, Now, hop, hop, hop!
3 n: o! h) d1 L3 j" w# w3 X你不能买他们,只能换。我的换你的。现在,跳跳跳!
  g4 a9 a6 H' u& z# d( n- y& {1 P' o. h) u9 O4 ]) @

- a* @" l& `, I9 c$ S0 h7 oGo ahead and choose, red, yellow, or blue. Satisfaction guaranteed.
7 u8 p1 V6 @$ q来挑来选。红的,黄的或蓝的。包你满意。5 ~2 {8 s+ U4 i1 r6 y% F2 ~" t
1 U( d/ E! H7 }( }; c! y
My shoelaces for yours? It’s a deal, Mister.
7 Y& v/ u7 Z1 h0 q  O: i: C我的鞋带换你的?成交,先生。
+ {: ?2 p# O2 U5 A; w8 }2 m* x3 e4 {$ I4 Q" l
Matthew and the magic man traded laces. And with that, the magic man, his rabbits, and his doves disappeared.
8 k- a6 ^7 ~: |0 E& FMatthew和魔术师换了鞋带。那之后,魔术师和他的兔子以及鸽子,消失了。
) Y# @$ X$ q, e- G& ]
9 {6 q) _% J% |; |/ G+ uMatthew knelt down once again to lace and tie his shoes. In and out, tie them tight: magic laces stay on right!
$ ~0 T0 \/ _7 I; S& O" q& RMatthew跪下来,再一次系他的鞋子。进去,出来,绑紧了:神奇的鞋带归位!
, W# F0 g1 _$ \" Y  `: D' _1 M4 ?0 t
And then off he marched, with his beautiful new magic laces. These laces really are magic! I have walked all the way to play-school and they haven’t come undone!
2 S% R" w9 h2 [* s$ H7 x; M$ \2 ]0 x
然后,绑着漂亮的新神奇鞋带,他大步向前。这些鞋带真的很神奇!我一路走到幼儿园,他们也没有散开!. |* B' B; g/ h. f0 W! R- A

, H' D8 N2 s+ S' O# O0 J 廖彩杏书单:Magic Shoelaces 神奇的鞋带 译文指导
- ]9 y7 ]  ]( y" V; S8 p, \5 p. oToday, children, we will learn to swim. But first, you must take off your shoes and put them in the boxes.
+ |; a0 e6 O' m3 x
! w( _8 V) q' {7 y0 U9 R孩子们,今天,我们要学习游泳。但是首先,你们要脱掉鞋子,然后把它们放进盒子里。
$ r2 ]+ S5 p! P, w! x2 u# G3 l# Q/ R2 x3 }* d! l
All the children quickly slipped off their shoes. That is on except Matthew.7 D$ \5 H  R+ E$ u7 G; Q: x7 h8 ~
6 V6 t- B7 t/ @! Q& Z. |- H' H( Q& g
, V8 @& `/ u" X' m+ B$ M" _2 B# Y6 ~+ u- ^# ]. j
I... can’t... get... ... these magic shoelaces untied. They won’t come off. Whew! Am I hot! The pool looks so good and cool. I just have to... I’ve got to... GO-O-O-O-O-O SWIMMING! Matthew jumped into the water with both shoes on.- b4 z4 V  M  y

" V' v0 A" i& T我...没...法...解开这些神奇的鞋带。它们就是不松开。咻!我好热!泳池看上去好舒服好凉快。我不得不...我必须要...去游泳!Matthew穿着两只鞋,跳进了水里。
8 B" u. e3 k0 X2 v" S6 A- f! I1 L# }* |' p; G/ A" h1 Y
Just then, the teacher leaned over the side of the pool, and spoke sharply at Matthew. Yong man, get out this instant! Shoes are not allowed in the pool! No more swimming for you today. Go straight home.
/ k9 M( o  ~) _; q2 i' A" F5 z7 V0 a* s1 l- E2 d; x
就在那时,老师靠在泳池旁边,尖声对Matthew说:年轻人,马上出去!泳池里不许穿鞋!今天你不许游泳了。直接回家。1 v. |# v8 g* |

) H7 d# e, r! A- vWith his heavy wet shoes, Matthew trudged slowly home. Squash, squish... squush, flump, splosh... splosh, squash... splush, squish...
+ n* d+ i3 a" D
0 O' O! D& P3 \穿着重重的湿鞋子,Matthew慢吞吞地、艰难地走回家。嘎,吱... 咕,砰,啵,啵,噗,吱...1 z1 C' \/ O: M5 K8 J
廖彩杏书单:Magic Shoelaces 神奇的鞋带 译文指导 ; Q8 G# @' }( F- c+ _
Inside the house, Jessica and her two girl friends were busy playing cards and sipping make-believe tea in the play room that she had cleaned and mopped that morning. Matthew walked in with muddy footprints trailing behind him.
# I; y( W0 P/ ]" W. x" ]* `! U/ o6 @$ t  C% u2 Z; [3 @0 J
$ C! ?$ r% W$ Z  z
! Z" T0 @4 {% U) S: A: b

# @1 f& I7 G8 @; Y- D* t

+ a6 C, X& @0 ^3 Q廖彩杏书单新编新增168本英文绘本详细目录汇总
6 C- w) L, ~! r0 c, U# F* F











* c3 ~+ J* R  l2 d

1 f% A% u: P1 L+ V( Z' ^$ l7 Y
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想看翻译 谢谢
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ggvybyun  评论于  2020-11-3 17:32:31
廖彩杏书单阅读 一个从未留洋,也自承发音并不道地的廖彩杏,总是很诚心的告诉对方:“与其花钱去补习班,不如有规律的听英文有声故事,不仅经济实惠,而且效果更好。”她自创了一年52周100本英文绘本阅读计划和书目清单,更有效的带孩子启蒙英语。 群主: 风起云涌

