廖彩杏书单168本之Giraffes can"t dance长颈鹿不会跳舞 译文指导
非常经典有又特别有意义的一本绘本,讲述的是森林里开舞林大会 The warthogs started waltzing, and the rhinos rock rolled. The lions danced a tango which was elegant and bold. The chimps all did a cha-cha with avery latin feel. And eight baboons then teamed up for a splendid Scottish reel.哇哦~~~ 当这些动物们跳的高兴的时候,长颈鹿却因为不会跳舞而悲伤的离开了舞池。。。 长颈鹿从不会跳舞的失落到找到自己,发现自己才能和快乐的故事。
Gerald was a tall giraffe whose neck was long and slim, But his knees were awfully bandy And his legs were rather thin. 杰拉德是只长颈鹿, 长脖子优美而纤细。 可惜膝盖向外弯曲, 腿瘦得骨头连着皮。
He was very good at standing still And munching shoots off trees. 他静静站立十分优雅, 抬头就能吃到树顶的叶片。
But when he tried to run around He buckled at the knees. 但如果让他转个圈, 他就会膝盖扭曲四脚朝天。
Now every year in Africa They hold the Jungle Dance, Where every single animal Turns up to skip and prance. 非洲每年的丛林舞会, 热闹非凡而令人流连, 丛林里的每一个动物, 都要出席并尽情翩跹。
And this year when the day arrived Poor Gerald felt so sad, Because when it came to dancing He was really very bad. 今年的舞会如期而至, 大个子杰拉德眉头紧蹙。 跳舞这件事对他来说, 实在是心有余而力不足。
The warthogs started waltzing And the rhinos rock “n” rolled The lions danced a tango, Which was elegant and bold. 疣猪们表演了华尔兹, 犀牛们的摇滚很疯狂 。 狮子们成对跳起探戈, 舞步优雅而热情奔放。
The chimps all did a cha-cha With a very latin feel, And eight baboons then teamed up For a splendid Scottish reel. 黑猩猩们集体跳恰恰, 拉丁旋风迎面而刮。 八只狒狒两两结成舞伴, 苏格兰圆圈舞风采尽展。 2 i" x* A: [3 ~
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