这是一本教你学会生活美语的原版教材。主要教给想说美语的人如何听懂和运用连读技巧,快速融入美国社会。我个人感觉适合小学高年级和初中学生使用。Native speaker在轻松的日常对话中,语调常不自觉加快而出现连音,这和课堂中所教授的标准英文是大不同的,这种连音在美剧中就比较常见,不少人由于不懂连音而听得一头雾水。比如:& c- @3 k. O2 k/ m8 [( X2 Z3 h2 r2 I
whaddaya say=what do you say
- z$ V. M# v1 G a- Ywanna=want to
9 ?% O/ g0 O/ U- }4 x4 o+ k) _7 y5 ^+ K7 Fgonaa=going to# h% Y& T2 }) i* E P4 _
gotta=got to K3 O5 n3 z9 r1 f8 s% f* I. V
hafta=have to! _ |$ w- j, C8 b: v) R- j
6 m$ o* B9 @" @9 ?! l3 s9 g- j# F! s3 [4 r& m+ A# [0 L2 q4 x
: G4 C; ]. S x9 d, D! J8 i& i" C
( U- g! F; e% @0 q
目录 1 How's your family? 2 Yours is a great job! 3 I have the prefect car for you. 4 Where are the bags of chips? 5 Do you like the internet? 6 let's go shopping. 7 What are you doing the weekend? 8 I want to have a hamburger. 9 We're going to see "the monster that ate cleveland" 10 Can you see the satge? 11 What can I get for your cold? 12 Take bus 4 to second street. 13 I'm going to try to find a job. 14 I've got to check your teeth. 15 I used to be an engineer for the railroad 16 What's the Fastest Way to Send His Packages? 17 We Arrive on Tuesday and Leave on Thursday 18 Do You Want a Chocolate or Lemon Birthday Cake? 19 I Don't Know What Classes to Take 20 Can't You Find an Apartment? 21 Could You Check My Sink? 22 Who Have You Asked to Fly the Plane? 23 Could I Have an Appointment with Dr. Okamoto? 24 We Should Have Taken a Left 25 What Are You Doing to My Hair? 26 Give Me a Paintbrush. 27 I Couldn't Take the Test Because I Was Sick. 28 Been to the Circus Lately? 29 Where Are Your Extra-Large Hats? 30 When Will Your TV Program Be Over? 4 ?+ O/ u& y; F% P$ j' c2 l( j
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5 c8 m" w6 L5 h更多相关推荐:美国加州教材Evan-Moor Skill Sharpeners Math 8册
0 {7 U% `' x1 i. b0 e8 U6 V ]' P t; R9 m