美国尼克动画:狗狗巡逻队PAW Patrol 英文版第二季高清视频带字幕+MP3音频网盘下载
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6 j0 r$ z+ `# Z) \! F狗狗巡逻队 PAW Patrol 简介
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3 A7 v; N5 `$ z动画片“狗狗巡逻队 PAW Patrol”这部美国学龄前儿童教育动画片,也是一部尼克频道2014年热播中的新作,讲述男孩Ryder带领的一个狗狗救援队的精彩故事。可以让孩子们在欣赏动画的同时,学习一些基础的安全和救援知识。
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) l' g$ ?1 z' u# l精通科技的10岁男孩Ryder在拯救了6条小狗之后,将他们训练成了一组本领高强的狗狗巡逻队。每个小狗都性格鲜明,也各有特长。斑点狗Marshall擅长火中急救;斗牛犬Rubble精通工程机械;牧羊犬Chase是个超级特工;混血儿Rocky是个维修能手;拉布拉多犬Zuma最熟悉水中救援;而可卡颇犬Skye掌握着各种航空技术。
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8 U' X8 c$ V7 V在第二季中狗狗的装备升级,同时还增加了一个新成员Everest (voiced by Kallan Holley) - Everest is the newest member of the PAW Patrol. She is an enthusiastic Husky and loves performing rescues. She is shown to be hyperactive but playful as well. She is very good friends with Jake, with whom she doesn't live. She also loves to eat anything liver-flavored, such as liver flavored pup treats, and liver itself. She gets hungry often, and her stomach growling is often mistaken for something like a bear or thunder. Everest made her debut in the Season 2 episode, "The New Pup". Vehicle Designation: 091 r" A1 W9 J2 ]; |6 ~
/ e' Q! s( G* b8 T4 q5 `: P# I01 Pups and the Pirate Treasure ' D. I7 c& I" U5 S/ M* d
02 Pups Save the Penguins - Pups Save a Dolphin Pup # _2 B9 [* g2 O* N0 F0 O d
03 Pups Save Jake - Pups Save the Parade 1 z( v$ \4 ]- g* d3 v4 k
04 Pups Save the Diving Bell - Pups Save the Beavers
9 Z3 W1 B v+ W& ~, }. S9 }05 Pups Save a Ghost - Pups Save a Show
0 V$ v) o" Q# `3 E0 ]# z06 Pups Save an Ace - Pups Save a Wedding
' X) U t% ~% s9 |8 H* K07 The New Pup
/ Q. O) @ U1 b8 K08 Pups Jungle Trouble - Pups Save a Herd
; L0 ?% I5 V6 r6 A& _% Y$ i09 Pups and the Big Freeze - Pups Save a Basketball Game ! a" k( |& a! U6 E7 o1 X
10 Pups Save a Talent Show - Pups Save the Corn Roast
- J7 \9 Z. Q, Q6 T! o, _) T& S11 Pups Leave Marshall Home Alone - Pups Save the Deer
4 ^" ~& n' k/ ?1 D12 Pups Save a Friend - Pups Save a Stowaway
[1 m6 L& l8 _, |13 Pups Save the Parrot - Pups Save the Queen Bee
; ?: q. L: n- a1 F" c2 e14 Pups Adventures in Babysitting - Pups Save the Fireworks
5 W5 P+ `5 ^) ]+ c2 _1 j15 Pups Save an Elephant Family - Pups and the Mischievous Kittens * e, R* p: G( {( D0 C
16 Pups Save a Mer-Pup ) [3 k3 |& x. N6 Y* ~
17 Pups Save a Sniffle - Pups and the Ghost Cabin & [/ v: P% k" [' n' `7 ^/ f% k9 Y
18 Pups Save an Adventure - Pups Save a Surprise
8 T+ x6 w, D9 A. ]' H5 f19 Pups Save the Mayors Race - Pups Save an Outlaws Loot ( o! f' q( d& l& F5 q g$ W/ y
20 Pups Save Walinda - Pups Save a Big Bone
" Z, [( J2 |1 r% C) R9 x8 P21 Pups Save a Floundering Francois - Pups Save the Pop-Up Penguins * t3 ]5 I1 l. X
22 Pups Save a Pizza - Pups Save Skye
4 O/ Q, |9 R- {/ W" f" i23 Pups Save the Woof and Roll Show - Pups Save an Eagle ) G' k# Y" T! y3 j! x# V
24 Pups Bark with Dinosaurs
+ Y3 a1 @4 v# e A# Z25 Pup-Fu
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( w$ W( W$ ^3 w6 j链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kV1cmIb J: T+ l* c# ?/ Z( [5 Z$ \
音频:. N: R6 ^) S y+ n5 d. u
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