发表于: 2020-5-30 14:26:08

英文原版绘本The Kiss that Missed:丢失的吻 David MellingPDF下载

Prince's Goodnight kiss has gone missing.It's escaped into the forest.So the brave and fearless knight to bring it back ... But is he brave and fearless enough?' g% H% l# e( _; p

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英文原版绘本The Kiss that Missed:丢失的吻 David MellingPDF下载

; r9 b: I( T9 ^+ h% A* L8 t1 ^# _+ pDavid Melling Imagination is Wonderful thing-It's never ending. When I ws a small cowboy I was ready for trouble, whenever it came. It could be bandits, bears or broccoli and if I didn't think I could win, I'd run away. Of course stories have always helped my imagination. After all, you don't get to be sheriff without a little help." N3 I1 q& ^0 ?: k

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儿童英语分级读物 目前市面上八大主流的分级读物:牛津阅读树、I can Read系列、RAZ、Step into Reading、海尼曼、我的图书馆系列、培生幼儿英语、培生儿童英语。 群主: 超级傲慢的达西

