【玩转英文绘本】牛津阅读树5阶 - Husky Adventure 哈士奇冒险之旅
在进行英语启蒙的家长几乎没有人不知道《牛津阅读树》的,高水平父母也可以在家教出和国外学校一样的教学水平,而一般水平的爸妈也可以通过这些基础简单的单词和句子和孩子进行英语互动,让孩子有所进步。 《牛津阅读树》Read with Biff, Chip & Kipper 每个阶段都包含了两个部分:Phonics(自然拼读法)和First Stories(故事)。 故事情节来源于生活,生动有趣。这套书的主人公是小朋友Biff一家和他们的小狗floppy,可笑的家庭竞赛,堆雪人的意外,跳蚤市场体验,这些看似普通、日常的生活场景, 读来倍感亲切,而作者总能在最后的神来之笔惹人哈哈大笑。 今天 Helen 姐姐带给大家的是牛津阅读树第五阶段 Husky Adventure.Floppy被魔法钥匙带着穿越啦!竟然遇到了一大群狼!一狗难敌众狼啊!这可如何是好?一起来听吧~ It had been snowing. Kipper wanted Floopy to pull hissled. "Go on , Floopy ! Pull !" He called. 雪一直在下。基珀想让小叭拉他的雪橇。他喊道:“继续,小叭!拉呀!” Floppy didn’t want to pull the sled. He ran and hid in Biff’s bedroom. 小叭不想拉雪橇。他跑去藏在了碧芙的卧室。 Suddenly, the magic key began to glow. It took Floopy into an adventure. 突然,魔法钥匙亮起了光。它带着小叭进入了冒险世界。 The magic took Floppy to a dark , cold forest. There was snow everywhere. 魔法把小叭带去了一个黑暗的,阴冷的森林。那儿到处都是雪。 The snow felt cold on Floppy’s paws and a cold wind was blowing. “Brrrr!” thought Floppy. 风吹啊吹,雪踩上去冰冰凉。小叭心想:嘶(好冷啊)。 Floppy began to walk, but his paws sank in the deep snow. 小叭走了起来,但是他的脚爪淹没在厚厚的雪中。 He heard a howling sound. AoooooW! “What is that?” thought Floppy. 他听见了一个咆哮的声音。嗷呜!小叭心想:那是什么? Oh no! It was a pack of wolves. They had red eyes and long white teeth. They growled at Floopy. 欧不!那是一群狼。他们有着红色眼睛和长长的白牙。他们对着小叭吼叫。 Floppy was scared of the wolves. He ran through the trees. 小叭很怕狼。他跑着穿过了树林。 Suddenly, Floppy fell down. He rolled over and over. He went faster and faster. 突然,小叭跌倒了。他滚了一圈又一圈,速度越来越快。 Then he hit a tree. BUMP! 然后他就撞上了一棵树。嘭! Floppy lay in the snow with his eyes shut. A man ran up. 小叭闭着眼睛,躺在雪上。一个男人跑了过来。 “Quick!” he said. “My boy is sick. I must get him to hospital. I need another dog to pull the sled.” “快!”他说:“我儿子病了。我必须把他带去医院。我需要多一条狗来拉雪橇。” The man took Floppy to the sled. “Oh no!” thought Floppy. “Another pack of wolves!” 男人带着小叭走去了雪橇旁。“欧不!”小叭心想:“又是一群狼!” But they were not wolves, they were husky dogs. The dogs growled. “Are you the new dog? You look too floppy to pull a sled,” they said. 但是它们不是狼,他们是哈士奇狗。狗狗们吼着,他们说:“你是新来的狗吗?你看上去软叭叭的,拉不动雪橇。” The man put straps on Floppy. “You’ve got to run fast,” he said. “We must get to the hospital.” 男人把绳子套在了小叭身上。“你得跑快点。”他说:“我们必须得去医院。” The biggest dog barked at Floppy. “Just keep up, you floppy dog,” he said. “We’ve got to run fast.” 最大的狗对着小叭狂吠。“跟上点,你这只软叭叭的狗。”他说“我们得跑的很快。” Floppy was cross. “Don’t call me a floppy dog,” he said. “I’ll show you!” 小叭生气了。“别叫我一只软叭叭的狗!”他说:“我会证明给你看!” The sled went faster and faster. “Slow down!” panted the husky dogs. “We can’t keep up with you.” 雪橇越来越快。“慢一点!”哈士奇狗狗们喘着气说:“我们跟不上你了!” At last, they got to the hospital. “Thank you!” shouted the man. “You’ve saved my son.” 最后,他们到达了医院。“谢谢你!”男人喊着:“你救了我的儿子。” The husky dogs looked at Floppy. “Wow! You can run fast!” they said.” You’re not a floppy dog.” 哈士奇狗狗们看着小叭。“哇!你跑的真快!”它们说:“你不是一只软叭叭的狗。” “You can stay with us,” said the husky dogs. “We need a dog like you.” “你可以跟我们在一起。”哈士奇狗狗们说:“我们需要一只像你这样的狗。” The magic key began to glow. “Good!” thought Floppy. “I need a rest.” 魔法钥匙开始发光。“太好了!”小叭想:“我需要休息一下。” “Come and pull my sled, Floppy,” said Kipper. “Oh no!” thought Floppy. “快来拉我的雪橇呀,小叭。”基珀说。小叭心想:"欧不!" 今日词汇 Vocabulary Sled n. 雪橇 Adventrue n. 冒险;冒险精神 Forest森林; 丛林; (森林似的) 一丛; 一片 Hospital医院 Slow down 减速 放慢速度 Keep up with赶得上 Talk about the story 每个故事后面都有这样的问答来帮助孩子回忆故事哦~你能回答出课后的互动小问题吗?爸爸妈妈和孩子互动问这些问题的时候,可以尝试用英语来问答。 回忆故事这件事是一定要做的,如果可以复述下来那就更完美啦。答案不唯一,可以听一下主播姐姐做得回答示范哟。 (1) Whydid Floppy go and hide? 为什么Floppy跑去藏起来? (2) Didthe huskies think Floppy would be good at pulling the sled? Why? 哈士奇们认为Floppy擅长拉雪橇吗?为什么? (3) Whycouldn’t the man take his son to hospital in a car? 为什么这个男人不用车送他儿子去医院? (4) Wherewould you like to go on a magic key adventure? 如果有魔法钥匙,你想去哪里探险呢? Have Fun! 故事的开头有个有趣的游戏,你发现了没?在这篇故事的图画里,隐藏了一个单词 “ SNOWBALL ”,是每一个字母分开藏在了图片的一些位置。虎妞找了好半天呀。孩子们的观察力总是奇佳的,让孩子指出来吧。 快点!到医院去!故事后面有一个迷宫,你能帮助狗狗们穿越迷宫,找到去医院的路吗? 这个故事虽然只是小狗 Floopy 的一场梦,但是这个梦里 Floopy 不在意别人嘲笑的目光,用勇敢和实力证明了自己。 在成长过程中也必然会遇到这样那样的小问题,这个时候,我们要鼓励孩子学小狗Floopy 一样,勇敢坚定,不要因为别人的几句话就气馁。一味的说教孩子未必能懂,这个时候,喂绘本故事就是极好的途径了。 读牛津阅读树,像爬树一样拾级而上,学习到大量地道的生字,语法和英国文化,建立起学习英语的信心,享受到阅读的乐趣。 故事贴近孩子生活、接地气,还有一些小游戏,孩子就是喜欢,愿意反复读; 学到大量生活中可用的词汇和句型,带孩子完成“从听懂到记住”的跨越; 进阶合理,孩子进步很大,学得非常开心,很有成就感。 8 M) O( P2 [2 D7 ~' R
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0 Y b* j. B# d1 g, }为了孩子我爬我爬,咦~怎么总是没尽头呢!