BBC启蒙动画: CBeebies 情景动画剧 Abadas 52集全 (英文发音、英文字幕)
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BC CBeebies 情景剧Abadas52集全,英文发音,rmvb视频格式,分辨率720*400,合计约4G。 适合年龄:2-6岁 语言:英语 资源时间:每集约11分钟 【CBeebies-Abadas简介】 有点像看电视的桥段,动画片的开头都是一个叫Ben的小男孩,翻开一本神奇的书,书里会出现一只小河马,一只小狐狸和一只小蝙蝠,每一集三个小动物都有新的冒险,书的结尾还是Ben合上这本神奇的书。除了开头和结尾有真人小朋友出现外,中间的部分都是动画,动画颜色鲜艳,全程童音。 Pop up book adventures with the curious Abadas, Hari the hippo, Ela the fox and Seren the bat.Abadas is magical world of a pop-up book where we meet Hari the Hippopotamus, Seren the bat and Ela the fox live as they exploring new words. In a busy corner of Ben’s bedroom lies a well-thumbed, well cherished pop-up book.This is no ordinary pop-up book; this is where the Abadas live!They are Hari the hippo; Ela the fox and Seren the bat and they’re the most curious, adventurous and funniest pop-up animals that any book could possibly have.Once the book is opened the Abadas’ world comes alive and it’s playtime for the three adventurers. CBeebies-Abadas目录: 01.Anchor 02.Piano 03.Icicle 04.Cloud 05.Lighthouse 06.Flag 07.Igloo 08.Boomerang 09.Magnifying Glass 10.Roller Skates 11.Wheelbarrow 12.Computer 13.Steam Train 14.Owl 15.Stool 16.Umbrella 17.Buoy 18.Orange 19.Sea Turtle 20.Snowboard 21.Gift 22.Windmill 24.Firework 24.Skis 25.Trumpet 26.Map 27.Rush 28.Sun Cream 29.Drawer 30.Swing 31.Greenhouse 32.Scales 33.Starfish 34.Cocoon 35.Rocking Horse 36.Toothbrush 37.Camera 38.Puppet 39.Weather Vane 40.Microphone 41.Stile 42.Bridge 43.Crown 44.Cherry 45.Robin 46.Well 47.Caravan 48.Submarine 49.Calculator 50.Coconut 51.Windsurfing Board 52.Mobile Phone
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