第7天:互动性强的童谣、歌曲、绘本推荐 大量研究表明0-6岁是孩子的语言敏感期,这个时期如果通过浸润式英语学习,可以让孩子在不知不觉中掌握英语,如果方法得当,可以很容易达到和汉语一样的母语程度,从而成为双语宝宝。 今天内容分为三个部分:英文童谣3首,1首英文歌曲,1本英文绘本。 I.英文童谣 互动性较强的童谣,既朗朗上口,又可以和宝宝互动,非常适合亲子英语启蒙。今天挑选的三首童谣如下: 1. Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as you can Clap, clap, clap your hands as quickly as you can Shake, shake, shake your hands as slowly as you can Shake, shake, shake your hands as quickly as you can Roll, roll, roll your hands as slowly(quickly) as you can Rub, rub, rub your hands as slowly(quickly) as you can Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers as slowly(quickly) as you can Pound, pound, pound your fists, as slowly(quickly) as you can 单词注释 shake 摇动 roll 绕 rub 擦;搓 wiggle 扭动 pound 连续重击 2. Hands on shoulders, hands on knees Hands behind you if you please Touch your shoulders, now your nose Now your hair, now your toes Hands up high, in the air Down at your sides, then draw a square Hands up high as before Now, nod your head, 1-2-3-4 全文翻译 手在肩上,手在膝上 请把手背后 摸摸你的肩,摸摸你的鼻子 摸摸你的头发,你的脚趾 手举高,在空中 手放下,画个方形 像以前一样举起手 点点头,1-2-3-4 3. Smile when you are glad Hands on hips when you are mad Shake your head when you mean no Wrinkle your nose, but before you go Nod your head when you mean yes Click your tongue, three times no less Stamp one foot, but not the other Take your seat, and say, yes mother! 全文翻译 快乐时微笑 生气时掐腰 说不时摇头 皱鼻子,走之前 同意时点头 舌头发出嗒嗒声,不下三次 跺一只脚,不跺另一只 坐下,说,好的妈妈 单词注释 wrinkle 皱起 stamp 跺脚 II.每日歌曲 有研究表明英文歌曲是不可替代的启蒙元素,孩子可以在歌声中感受语音语素。今天咱们要学习一首手指歌,通过歌曲认识数字。歌词如下: One little, two little, three little fingers Four little, five little, six little fingers Seven little, eight little, nine little fingers Ten fingers on my hands Ten little, nine little, eight little fingers, Seven little, six little, five little fingers, Four little, three little, two little fingers, One finger on my hand 点击听音乐 Ten Little FingersWee Sing - Wee Sing:Children's Songs and Fingerplays III.每日绘本 宝宝的世界是相对枯燥的,非常需要充实,所以无论多大的宝宝都要给他读绘本。绘本的内容最好不要离生活太远,宝宝难以理解。 今天的绘本是《We All Go Traveling By》。 点击听绘本 And We All Go Travelling BySue Lewin - Come On and Move Your Body (Songs and Dances for Young Children) 全文翻译 我用眼睛看 你用耳朵听 一辆黄色的校车哔-哔-哔地走 我们出门啦,再见 我们出门啦 一辆亮红色的卡车隆-隆-隆地走 一辆长长的蓝色火车嚓-嚓-嚓地走 一辆闪闪的粉红自行车铃-铃-铃地走 一搜绿色的船咣-咣-咣地走 一架白色大飞机轰隆隆地飞 一辆飞快的橙色小轿车嗡嗡嗡地走 一双紫色的鞋子轻声走 一个响亮的银铃叮铃铃地响 我们都开始了又一个上学日,万岁! 拓展阅读: 平时带着孩子出门会经常看到schoolbus,bus,truck,car,bicycle,motorcycle,plane,每次看到的时候,都给孩子强调重点词,e.g. Look,there's a white car coming. Look,the bus is coming. Look,there's a plane in the sky. 欢迎搜索关注微信公众号“双语宝宝婴幼儿亲子英语启蒙”,跟着我们,365天每天启蒙不重样。 |