Miranda [博士生]
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发表于: 2017-11-25 15:53:13
Take Three Girls - Cath Crowley 电子书mobi+epub分享. X2 I  ~# i+ i& g

Take Three Girls

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"This beautifully crafted, lively novel captures the good and the bad of female friendship" Bec Kavanagh Books + Publishing, 5 stars. 3 award-winning authors.1 compelling book.

ADY - not the confident A-Lister she appears to be.KATE - brainy boarder taking risks to pursue the music she loves.CLEM - disenchanted swim-star losing her heart to the wrong boy.

All are targeted by PSST, a toxic website that deals in gossip and lies. St Hilda's antidote to the cyber-bullying? The Year 10 Wellness program. Nice try - but sometimes all it takes is three girls.Exploring friendship, feminism, identity and belonging. Take Three Girls is honest, raw and funny.

About the AuthorSimmone Howell is the award-winning author of Notes from the Teenage Underground and Everything Beautiful. Before becoming a writer she worked in a multitude of secondhand bookstores and record shops, and as a result her house looks like one. She lives with her husband and son and crazy dog in Melbourne, Australia. Visit her at SimmoneHowell.com.


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