Miranda [博士生]
3041 2
发表于: 2017-9-9 14:23:19
原版英文Things That Surprise You - Jennifer Maschari 电子书mobi+epub分享Emily Murphy is about to enter middle school. She's sort of excited…though not nearly as much as her best friend Hazel, who is ready for everything to be new. Emily wishes she and Hazel could just continue on as they always have, being the biggest fans ever of the Unicorn Chronicles, making up dance moves, and getting their regular order at The Slice.
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But things are changing. At home, Emily and her mom are learning to move on after her parents' divorce. Hardest of all, her beloved sister Mina has been in a treatment facility to deal with her anorexia. Emily is eager to have her back, but anxious about her sister getting sick again.+ L# Z$ F' N+ u& j& f7 X* p
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Hazel is changing too. She has new friends from the field hockey team, is starting to wear makeup, and have crushes on boys. Emily is trying to keep up, but she keeps doing and saying the wrong thing. She wants to be the perfect new Emily. But who is that really?
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About the author# g) [- E/ m" A, H
Jennifer Maschari is a classroom teacher and the author of THE REMARKABLE JOURNEY OF CHARLIE PRICE and THINGS THAT SURPRISE YOU. She is hard at work on her next middle grade novel with Balzer+Bray/HarperCollins. Jennifer lives in Ohio with her husband and stinky (yet noble) English bulldogs, Oliver and Hank.# X9 L  W, Y/ ], U- {
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原版英文Things That Surprise You - Jennifer Maschari 电子书mobi+epub分享


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夏小瑶  评论于  2017-9-13 13:10:33
trankee  评论于  2019-3-8 13:41:37
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