悠悠小荷  发表于 2017-6-20 09:19:35| 2176 次查看 | 2 条回复
1.嗨你好。Hi. hello.   
2.午安。Good afternoon.
3.晚安。Good evening.
4.你好吗?How are you?
5.我很好,谢谢。Fine ,thank you.
6.不是很好。Not so good.
7.没什么特别的。Nothing much.
8.很高兴见到你。Glad to meet you.
9.怎么了?What`s up?
10.你家人都还好吧?How is your family?
11.一切都还好吧?How`s everything?
12.近来工作如何?How`s business?
13.还可以。Not bad.
14.今天的情况怎么样?How did it go today?
15.和平常一样。Oh same as usual.
16.你在赶什么?What's the hurry?
17.你要去哪里?Where are you headed?
18.你在做什么?What are you doing ?
19.我只是在想事情。I was just thinking.
20.只是胡思乱想而已。I was just daydreaming.
21.只是打发时间而已。I am just killing time.
22.你在想什么?What's on your mind?
24.跟平常一样。Another day ,another dollar.
25.你来的正好。You've come just in time.
26.原来你在这里呀。There you are.
27.杰夫在吗?Is Jeff around?
28.你看到Sica了吗?Have you see Sica?
29.我跟他不期远的相遇。I ran into him.
30.你猜猜看我昨天碰到谁?Guess who I bumped into yesterday ?
31.我没见过他,不认识他。He is a stranger to me .

rybuosbgkp  评论于  2017-6-20 09:19:44
小小玻璃球  评论于  2017-6-20 13:35:55
How are you?