A Narrow Escape from Danger 死里逃生 A shepherd’s name was Tomas, but he was called Tom for short. For this exciting sail, he spent all his shillings. He placed many beautifulshells on a shelf. He found them on the shore.But soon the ship encountered pirates. They shot at the ship. Tom used a shield to protect him from injury. The ship tried its best to flee away successfully. Then a sudden shift in the wind warned of the coming storm. The rain came down in sheets. Tom couldn’t find a shelter. He covered himself with a sheet. He shivered from the cold. After the rain, the sun shined again. But the ship ran around. The fresh water was running short. And there was a shortage of food, too. Tom would not await his doom. He and other five people took a boat and went away, trying to find their way out. It was a sheer gamble. They rowed the boat in two shifts. Two days later, they saw asheer cliff. The land. They took a shortcut to go on shore. Later, they were shocked to hear of the news of shipwreck of their ship. They were lucky to evade it. But one of them, a shopkeeper was sad. He lost his shipment. The mayor cut short his meeting when he knew these people’s survival. The reporters gathered material report from Tom. They prepared to take down what he would say inshorthand. But Tom was too shy to say anything. That’s his shortcoming. Finally, he broke silence, “In short, we had a narrow escape from danger.” 一个牧羊人的名字叫汤姆斯,不过别人都简称他为汤姆。为了这次让人兴奋的航行,他花去了他所有的先令。他在一个架子上放了许多漂亮的贝壳。那是他在海滨找到的。不过很快这艘船遭遇到了海盗。他们向船射击。汤姆用一面盾保护自己不受伤害。这艘船成功的逃脱了。后来风向的突然转变预示着风暴即将来临。大雨大片落下。汤姆找不到一个躲避处。他用一张床单罩住自己。他冷得发抖。雨后,太阳重新照耀。但船又搁浅了。饮用水快用完了,并且食物也不足。汤姆不愿意坐以待毙。他同其他5个人乘坐一条小船走了,试图找到生机。这纯粹是赌博。他们分两班轮流划船。两天后,他们看见了一座陡峭的悬崖。是陆地。他们走捷径上了海滨。后来他们震惊地知道了关于他们那条船的失事的消息。他们很幸运的躲过了。但他们其中的一个,一位店主有点沮丧。他失去了装载的货物。市长知道了这些人生还消息后中断了他的会议。一些记者采访汤姆。他们准备用速记来记录他将说的话。但汤姆太羞涩了,以至于说不出话来。那是他的缺点。最终,他开口了:“简言之,我们死里逃生。”