对于JY和MJ的绘本,有种莫名的好感。孩子启蒙开始的时候,跟着廖彩杏的书单走,在JY音频的熏陶下,孩子的输出让我特别地惊喜。廖前30周的绘本听完后,我开始收集其他的JY绘本。那时候才知道,除了JY音频,还有MJ音频,从此走上收集JY和MJ音频的道路。尤其是前段时间,特别热心于收集JY和MJ的音频。但是音频收集到近300的时候,发现只有音频,是不好用的。一方面,书的难度增加后,JY音频和MJ音频也就只有朗读版的,而朗读版的音频,并不像演唱版的那么洗脑。另一方面,在讲解绘本的时候,越来越觉得,只按照书的内容念一遍,然后播放一周对应的音频,这个方法越来越不好用了。 值得庆幸的是,在自己觉得遇到瓶颈的时候,有位朋友的一句话提醒了自己,只听JY音频自学是达不到目的的,没学到JY的精髓。把绘本讲读,绘本歌舞,绘本指导,和一些拓展结合这才是JY的玩法。朋友的这些话,对自己来讲,无疑是醍醐灌顶。从此改变了整理资料的重心,开始收集JY和MJ的绘本使用方法和拓展资料。 (前面絮絮叨叨说了好多,主要是自己太有感慨了)下面开始讲正题。The Odd Egg 是一本非常不错的绘本,配有MJ的音频。文字特别简单,但是文字之外的信息量,特别丰富,尤其是几种动物的名称,着实让自己头疼了一阵。对于这本绘本的讲解和拓展,很费了一番心思。提纲如下: 书目名称:The Odd Egg 阅读年龄:4-6岁 MJ Step(MJ分级): (Pre step) AUTHOR&ILLUSTRATOR(作者及绘者):Emily Gravett About the Book(绘本简介) Each of the birds has laid an egg,except for Duck. So when Duck finds a beautiful egg of his own he's delighted,even though the other birds make fun of it. But everyone's in for a bigsurprise when his egg finally hatches. Full color. Audio Guide(音频目录): track 1. Theme Song track 2. Song track 3. Adult’s Reading track4. Child’s Reading track 5. Sing Along track 6. Music for the Song Title(书名) | The Odd Egg | Theme & Concepts(主题与概念) | Mother’s Love / Egg-laying animals | Literacy Skills (阅读技巧) | | | Phonics(拼读) | beginning short vowel ‘Ee’ | Sight Words(常见词) | - all, an, was, for | Fluency(流利练习) | It was the most beautiful _________ in the world. | Comprehension(绘本理解) | matching : - animal & baby, - animal sound
, R2 A" |# t4 W6 p! ~" E3 y sorting : egg-laying .vs. breed animals | Curricular Activities(拓展活动) | activity : - coloring “This is my egg.”, - art “ In My Egg” |
Structure:(结构讲解) 오리도 다른 새들처럼 알을 낳고 엄마 새가 될 수 있을까요? ➜ All the birds had laid an egg. All except for Duck. 모든 새들이 알을 낳았답니다. 오리만 빼고요. All the eggs had hatched. All except forDuck’s. 알에서 아기 새들이 모두 부화했어요. 오리 알만 빼고요. Part I : Before Reading(阅读准备) Prior-Knowledge : Egg Cycle(附拓展练习) Part 2: Picture Walking(绘本讲解) file:///C:/Users/dell/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.jpg 封面讲解 Mum: Look! Look at the cover. What is this animal? Is it dog? Is it a cat? Child: It’s a duck. Mum: What does the duck have? Child: Is it an egg? It’s very Big. Mum: Yes, it looks like an egg. The Egg is Odd. Let’s read the book: The Odd Egg. 正文讲解 (如封面讲解,有妈妈和孩子的英文对话) Part 3: While Reading(阅读强化) Phonics(拼读练习)附拓展材料 These pictures begin with the letter Ee. Say the name of each out loud andlisten for the short vowel Ee sound. Color the pictures. + w; T% T$ J( b/ o% i
♣ Sight Words(常见词练习) : all / that / had /for 常见词:all / that / had / for Part 4: After Reading (绘本拓展) ♣ Comprehension : Matching 附拓展材料 ♣ Writing : Art & Craft附拓展材料 其中材料的参考文献包括:, r/ C) t3 D! H$ Q+ i% T( R
1. 学乐官网
- ~4 s6 w) p# Z2 O7 R1 \9 b2.JYBOOKS绘本学习指导2 A1 `; E- Z+ m! R& W3 m
3. MoonjinMedia的教师指导
+ r+ \) y5 C8 Z+ T4.其他资料等 0 [) |; ~. N) o" F- |