悠悠小荷  发表于 2016-3-23 10:36:09| 1901 次查看 | 1 条回复


The bath is ready.洗澡水准备好了。

Be careful. The floor is slippery.小心,地板很滑。

Mom, there isn't any hot water.妈,没有热水。

Turn on the shower.把莲蓬头打开。

It's getting cold.水越来越冷了。

Ok. I'll check the heater. Dry yourself with the towel first.好,我来看看热水器。你先用毛巾把身体擦干。

If you never take a bath, other children won't want to play with you.如果你总不洗澡,其他孩子就不肯和你一起玩了。

You got mud all over. Go take a bath.你弄得身上都是泥。去洗个澡吧。

Let's take a bath now.现在让我们洗澡吧。

We will get water ready first.我们先准备水。

Let mummy test/check the water, hot or cold. The water is just OK/It feels just right.让妈妈试一下水温,热还是冷。水温正好。

It's bath time. Let's undress first.洗澡时间到了。先脱衣服。

Let's make you nice and clean. I'll help you. Now take your clothes off.让我们使你变得漂亮又干净。我会帮助你的。现在把衣服脱掉。

Mummy is scrubbing the bathtub.妈妈在刷澡盆。

Go get your bathrobe in the closet/wardrobe.从衣橱里把你的浴袍拿出来。

Let's prepare all the stuffs we will need for the bath: washcloth, towels, bathtub, clean clothes.我们先准备一下洗澡用到的东西:洗澡小毛巾,毛巾,澡盆,干净衣服。

Let's have a shower. Take off your clothes yourself, and don't forget put on your little slippers.我们要冲淋裕了。自己脱衣服,不要忘记换上拖鞋。

Which toys would you like to play with?你想玩哪个玩具?

You can pick a couple of toys and throw them into the bathtub.你可以选几个玩具,把它们扔进澡盆里。

First wash your neck and then your arm, back, tummy, your leg, your feet. Last wash your bottom.先洗你的脖子,然后是胳膊、后背、肚子、腿、脚。最后洗一下你的小屁股。

Wash your body so you don't miss any parts. Start from your neck and go down to your toes.洗洗你的小身体,不要漏掉任何地方。从你的脖子洗到你的脚趾。

Let me wash behind your ears, armpits, under the chin, around the neck.让我给你洗耳朵后面,腋窝,下巴底下,脖子。

Turn around please, I'll wash you back.请转过去,我要给你洗后背了。

Don't splash.不要把水溅出来。

Be careful not to get the water into your eyes or ears.小心,不要把水弄到眼睛和耳朵里。

You are padding in the bath.你在澡盆里戏水玩。

Let's smear some lotion to your body.让我们抹一点护肤液在你身上。

Lather up really well. 搓起泡。

Use the bath sponge to scrub your body.用洗澡球擦洗身体。

Hold the shower head, rinse your body.拿着淋浴头,冲洗你的身子。

Are you warm enough? 你暖和吗?

Do you feel cozy/comfortable in the warm water? 你觉得舒服吗?

Now, you can play with your toys for a little while longer.现在,你可以玩一会儿玩具。

Call me when you want to get out the bath.想出来时叫我。

The water is getting cold, you have to get out of bath.睡就要变凉了,你得出来了。

If you stay in that bathtub any longer, you'll shrivel up into a prune.如果你再呆在水里,你要皱成一个干果了。

We will come out, are you ready?我们要出来了,你准备好了吗?

It is time to get out of the tub.该从澡盆里出来了。

Put on your pajamas.穿上睡袍。

Let me wrap a towel around you.让我用毛巾把你裹起来。

Dry you off with a towel.用毛巾把你擦干。

The towel is soft and warm, mummy will dry you from top to toe.这条毛巾柔软又温暖,妈妈要用它把你从头到脚擦干。

Dry yourself. Don’t catch a cold.擦干,别感冒了。

Tony_Snowolf  评论于  2016-3-23 10:39:22