悠悠小荷  发表于 2016-3-22 10:24:11| 2421 次查看 | 2 条回复


Honey, do you want to eat out? 亲爱的,要不要出去吃?
Hurray! I want to. 好棒喔!我要我要。
What do you want to eat? 你想吃什么?
How about Korean barbecue? 韩国烤肉如何呢?
Sounds great! 好啊!

Peter, wash your hands first, and then have some dessert. 彼得,先去洗手,然后去吃点甜点。
Mom, can I have some ice cream? 妈,可以吃点冰激淋吗?
Not today, honey. Don’t eat too much ice cream. 亲爱的,今天不可以喔。不要吃太多冰激淋。
Mom, can I have one more piece of cake? 妈,我可以再吃一块蛋糕吗?
Ok. The last piece is for your dessert. We’re having dinner soon. 好,这是最后一块点心啰。我们等下就吃晚餐了。

I bet you are hungry! Let’s have some meals. 我想你肯定饿了,吃点东西吧。
Wash up, it’s time to eat. 洗洗手,该吃饭了。
Wash your hands before you eat. 吃东西前要洗手。
Is breakfast ready? 早饭准备好了吗?
Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner is ready. 早饭/午饭/晚饭准备好了。
Din-din is ready. 食物准备好了。
Come sit at the table. 坐到桌子这儿来。
We’re having your favorite today. 我们今天准备了你最爱吃的东西。
Put on your bib. Now you are ready to eat. 戴上围嘴。现在可以吃饭。
Please go ahead. 请先吃饭吧。
Come and get it. 开饭啦。
It’s time for breakfast/lunch/supper. 该吃早饭/中饭/晚饭了。
I'm coming. 这就来啦。
Don’t spill it. 别弄洒了。
Don’t tip it over. 别弄洒了。
Let mommy help you sit on the high chair. 妈妈帮你坐餐椅。
Buckle up the belt. 扣上安全带。
Lay down the tray. 把托盘放好。

Do you want any more rice? 你还要添点饭吗?
I will bring you some rice. 我给你盛点米饭来。
The breakfast is delicious. 早饭美味极了。
What do you like to have for your breakfast? Cake or fried rice? 早上你想吃蛋糕还是炒饭?
Would you like something to eat? 你想吃点什么?
What would you like for dinner? 晚饭你想吃什么?
What do you want for dinner? 晚饭吃什么?
What do you want to eat for dinner?晚饭吃什么?
How about some cake/steak? 吃点蛋糕/牛排怎么样?
What’s for breakfast/lunch/supper? 早饭/中饭/晚饭吃什么?
Let’s take a short break for lunch. 让我们休息一会儿去吃午饭。
I must go home to cook lunch for us. 我必须回家给我们做中饭吃了。
You are hungry, aren’t you? Don’t worry. Mommy will serve you. 你饿了,着急了,是不是?先别着急。妈妈给你盛。
Do you like the breakfast today? 今天的饭好吃吗?
You really like your breakfast. 你吃的真香。
You finished all your dishes. 你碗里的饭都吃完了。

You have a really big tummy. 你真能吃呀。
Are you full? 你吃饱了吗?
Your rice spilled all over the tray. 你的托盘上都是饭。
Try this one. 吃吃看这个。
Do you want more rice/vegetable/meat/fish/soup? 你还要多一点饭/菜/肉/鱼/汤吗?
Which one is your favorite dish on the table? 桌上的菜你最喜欢哪一个?
Do you like the corn soup? 你喜欢玉米汤吗?
How awful! 真可怕,太难吃了。
Aw, it tastes terrible! 哦,味道不好。
How does it taste?它尝起来怎么样?
It tastes really great. 味道真得很好。
It’s very bitter. 它很苦。
It’s too salty. 它太咸了。
It tastes sweet. 它尝起来是甜的。
It is nutritious. 它是有营养的。
We have some snacks. 吃点点心吧。
Where are the snacks? 点心在哪儿?
They are in the cupboard. 在碗橱里。
Have some water/tea/milk. 喝一些水/茶/牛奶。
Are you thirsty? 你渴吗?
I drank milk. 我喝牛奶。
Sip the juice. Don’t gulp it. 小口喝果汁。别吞着喝。
Could you pour me a glass of water? 你能给我倒一杯水吗?
Thank you! That’s enough. 谢谢,够了。
They filled my cup with water.他们在我的杯子里倒满水。
This orange is sour. 这橘子是酸的。
The cake is sweet. 这蛋糕是甜的。
The medicine is bitter 这药有苦味。
The onion is spicy. 洋葱是辣的。
The ice cream is cold. 冰激淋很冰。
The chicken soup is too hot. 鸡汤太烫了。

餐桌礼仪 Table manners
Don’t throw food on the floor. 不要把食物扔在桌上。
Stop playing with your food. 不要玩食物。
Don’t smear that all over the table. 不要把桌子都弄脏。
Don't talk with your mouth full. 嘴里塞满食物时不要说话。
Just eat one at a time. 一次吃一个。
Don’t put too much food into your mouth each time. 一次少吃点。
Don’t put all of those in your mouth at once; you could choke. 不要把那些一次都放在你嘴里。你要嚼一嚼。
Don’t spill tomato sauce on your clothes; it’s very hard to remove. 不要把番茄汁翻在衣服上,它很难洗掉。

You know how to use the chopsticks. Great! 你会用筷子了,真棒。
Don’t poke your mouth with the chopsticks. 不要用筷子捅嘴。
Don't’ play with the chopsticks. 不要玩筷子。
Don’t bite the chopsticks. 不要咬筷子。
Your little sister doesn’t know how to use the chopsticks; she can only use a spoon. 妹妹不会用筷子,她只会用汤匙。
Hold the bowl with one hand while eating with your spoon with the other hand. 用勺子舀饭的时候,用另一只手扶着碗。
So the bowl won’t move around and it’s easier to scoop up the rice with your spoon. 这样碗就不坏动来动去,你用勺子舀饭就会比较容易。
Don’t scoop up too much with your spoon. 每次用勺子舀得少一点,别舀那么多。

This knife cuts well, doesn’t it? 这刀挺好使的,是不是?

qajyg  评论于  2016-3-22 10:29:48
Date  评论于  2016-10-23 16:34:14
thank you very much