《Catch You Later, Traitor》电子书mobi+epub网盘资源下载
; q U% m# n# O0 [5 Y6 n9 Y下载地址:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1Vq1cE
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( h# K( N( R6 ~. K( p适合年龄:9 - 12岁
8 t h2 {) e8 T# g: R1 a语言: English* V; F, K) W* {) [9 G, c
简介:! y8 t7 S9 f3 ?! x9 P) t% |
From Newbery Medalist Avi comes the thrilling and suspenseful story of an ordinary American family who falls under suspicion during the 1950s Red Scare.: t$ b7 B, A. j" @2 Q4 b) O
! m" u' {- F1 G# a' mIt’s 1951, and twelve-year-old Pete Collison is a regular kid who loves detective stories and radio crime dramas. When an FBI agent shows up at Pete’s doorstep, accusing Pete’s father of being a Communist, Pete is caught in a real-life mystery. Could there really be Commies in his family?3 G. h9 |! ^- \- z