无限环系列 《Infinity Ring》8本有声书音频Mp3+电子书mobi+epub资源下载
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作者:James Dashner. y8 T$ R. E" |5 e w' ?
适合年龄: 8 - 12岁
4 u" O1 X5 `0 m! ~) z4 i语言: English
8 Y2 {& m* j, A8 u' w- d简介:The Infinity Ring is a series of young adult science fiction adventure novels written by multiple authors, including James Dashner, Lisa McMann, Matt de la Pe?a, Matthew J. Kirby, and Jennifer A. Nielsen, in a similar fashion to The 39 Clues and Spirit Animals. It is focused on the adventures of Dak, Sera, and Riq as they try to fix changes in time through time travel.& x( W) n2 @8 T1 _
7 M _, j( I2 X书目:( D$ X3 \& R' C, O" o
1.1 A Mutiny in Time+ X0 n& W) S- {2 g, F
1.2 Divide and Conquer
; s M* y4 q& F. w4 p% g, N1 J1.3 The Trap Door
3 i7 b# m X: C, U1.4 Curse of the Ancients0 H, C5 j# ^* a( P
1.5 Cave of Wonders# ]+ e, W& K A' ?7 U
1.6 Behind Enemy Lines3 E% z. h6 n8 r9 w
1.7 The Iron Empire6 L* G- O& y2 D; Q
1.8 Eternity
5 G; W" i# e+ G% F2 \# v# r) P! G9 ~7 t9 a! R% ?' g
0 O4 T. G) k' M. ?) }) ^6 F: ^/ v, o
) A8 R# f6 N4 ]6 U( U* P家有小活宝,大活宝来报到!