1 d- W3 Z3 w# d* m) w《Andrew Lost series 1-2 》电子书mobi+epub资源下载7 @. k0 y. U9 B4 x* f) E
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适合年龄: 6 - 9岁
/ b: b1 p$ w- ]: p- d4 ]作者:J. C. Greenburg 9 x2 |! m: U" Y; D
语言: English
6 W; M: {* @% i& l* i简介: J& `' I% d' ?5 J- w5 o" o0 t
When Andrew’s latest invention, the Atom Sucker, goes haywire, Andrew and Judy are shrunk down to microscopic level! Andrew and Judy find themselves lost on their neighbor’s dog, where they encounter everything from colossal fleas to crab-like eyelash mites. Now they have to find their way back to the Atom Sucker and get unshrunk before it’s too late!
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您知道睫毛囊中有专门吃油和假皮屑的睫毛虫吗? 蜘蛛的视觉不好, 它是怎么察觉猎人落网了呢? 菌类是植物还是动物?以及它们是如何摄食的呢? 我们对周遭世界的认知往往是少之又少。 这套Andrew Lost 的读本系列,借着两位身体因意外而被缩小的小朋友, 让所有的读者都能和Andrew与Judy,一起探索我们周围的微妙世界,并一起来揭开它神秘的面纱!
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