初级桥梁书Henry and Mudge系列和Anny and snowball28个pdf下载
' e) v$ g' }# J T) LHenry and Mudge系列讲的就是小男孩Henry和他家的大宠物狗Mudge之间的日常生活故事。语言非常简单,适合已经开始自主阅读的小童或大童,如果确实孩子貌似也喜欢这套故事,也可以做亲子阅读,不过,因为每个故事都有40来页,孩子可能没耐性从头听到尾,随孩子的意思读到哪算哪吧。
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Cynthia Rylant除了写了Henry and Mudge系列,还写了Henry的表妹Annie和她的宠物兔Snowball之间的日常生活故事。- a! H7 M1 g; Z! F! |! I# ~7 W
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8 ^0 q# ?% y2 v链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1sknwCtn , O7 m! v1 w9 r8 ?( ~; K* y
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: k. V+ c# H9 S目录;8 l5 M8 Y# e9 h7 y7 o+ k, O6 w, W- X
01 HenryandMudgeTheFirstBook* x8 j0 t' n) X" U; [
02 Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble (1987)" v0 n! p2 {0 u7 k7 T/ I: J' F
03 Henry and Mudge in the Green Time (1987)+ I) S* h8 N: r9 g: v/ ?
04 Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon (1987)
/ i5 t( ]" D! T' @05 Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days (1988)
! t! Q+ z- H+ t. [; ]. R06 Henry and Mudge and the Forever Sea
0 F) W+ C) b; N/ Z. J% Q3 N07 Henry and Mudge Get the Cold Shivers (1989). h% C- n4 {8 } }5 p2 L
08 Henry and Mudge and the Happy Cat (1990)! K; H3 @' l- m8 N1 D" z% ?$ E" u" `
09 Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps (1991)3 G1 b1 p" o0 t9 j* A. }4 H
10 Hanry and Mudge Take the Big Test (1991)1 C/ p9 i0 c% G0 ]
11 Henry and Mudge and the Long Weekend (1992)
; a3 n: f& n4 r8 |6 x4 \& } l12 Henry and Mudge and the Wild Wind (1993)
/ w4 [3 ~2 s$ ~ V$ c' e W13 Henry and Mudge and the Careful Cousin (1994)
3 ]0 g O4 e8 b14 Henry and Mudge and the Best Day of All (1995)
- p! t' A& u4 B2 F% W15 Henry and Mudge in the Family Trees (September 1998)
% Q- z2 Z& v. J16 Henry and Mudge and the Sneaky Crackers$ V' {/ T; S# H v
17 Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night 5 H' @5 E. E9 }5 i' O
18 Henry and Mudge and Annie s Good Move (January 2000)( n8 l+ }9 b4 E9 E
19 Henry and Mudge and the Snowman Plan (October 2000)2 k3 A1 ?1 X8 ?3 E: E! Y# @
20 Henry and Mudge and Annie s Perfect Pet (February 2001)
3 K! ?3 j7 L) w/ x9 K21 Henry and Mudge and the Tall Tree House (2002)4 o% f4 a7 `. S1 s8 ?& J: a
22 Henry and Mudge and Mrs Hopper s House (February 2003)9 T1 Y- e( `. U, l+ U% X% h2 M4 G2 D
23 Henry and Mudge and the Wild Goose Chase (October 2003)& f w) K" y+ X a3 O0 S0 |
24 Henry and Mudge and The Funny Lunch
7 I! u+ i* X' A5 T5 S25 Henry and Mudge and a Very Merry Christmas (October 2004)
" E' S& r; A- ~( d26 Henry and Mudge and the Great Grandpas (April 2005)
g2 I. k- A) f2 U% B9 R27 Henry and Mudge and the Tumbling Trip (October 2005)6 O' F/ \# h2 [* ]2 x9 n
28 Henry and Mudge and the Big Sleepover (May 2007)! v/ w1 D5 c3 p5 W+ F! C+ [- t
& W5 [$ [" d i% G' k+ F
' [8 C2 F. N. k9 x& k6 [* b5 b小宝门门都考了100分~~~喂,醒醒,枕头湿了!!!