吴敏兰绘本123Caps for Sale英文绘本mp3音频下载
9 ~% \! _* P2 f( d6 `3 Q) T出版社: HarperCollins US(2010-09-01)
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Caps for Sale, a timeless classic, is now available as a musical narrative on cassette. The memorable melodies and catchy lyrics of the "Caps" songs are simple to learn and easy to sing. Recording artist Ann Marie Mulhearn brings the story to life in a new and mesmerizing way. This easy-to-read and sing-a-long story about a peddler and a band of mischievous monkeys is filled with wonderful background sounds, mischievous monkey music and splendid arrangements. Great for card rides, nap time, bed times or anytime, the musical version of Caps For Sale will have your children listening, reading and singing along again and again., i E5 `9 ~8 k6 w; r' U+ P: X
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Caps for Sale吴敏兰绘本mp3下载:
3 T% _$ Q+ d) E* |8 w. \链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dDtv7fr 密码:
6 O) i7 m& V! m q开启宝宝学英语之门———吴敏兰0-6岁书单篇
+ J! v: q' ?+ c) a) B8 t% ohttp://www.i-bei.com/baby/thread-72637-1-1.html) @) m$ [, s- v( j* X+ y4 A