英国爸爸们的口头禅 世界爸爸一家亲! 1.Do you think I'm made of money?
2.Money doesn't grow on trees. 钱难挣。
3.He's as thick as two short planks. 他怎么笨得跟木头似的。
4.When I was your age... 我像你这么大的时候...
5.I'm not sleeping, I'm just resting my eyes 我没睡,我是在放松眼睛。
6.I'm not going to tell you again. 我不想再说第二次。(约等于“我跟你说过多少遍了”)
7.Were you raised in a barn? 你是在谷仓长大的啊?(约等于“怎么一点礼貌也没有?”)
8.Don't talk back to your mother. 别跟你妈顶嘴。
9.If you were told to jump off a cliff, would you? 别人叫你跳悬崖你也去啊?
10.They don't make them like they used to. 现在的东西都不如以前的好了。
11.Stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about ! 别哭了,再哭我就真给你点颜色看看!
12.Don't tell your mother. 千万别告诉你妈啊。 太急燥了,要平心静气