王妃  发表于 2015-4-10 13:30:02| 9541 次查看 | 9 条回复
原版英语绘本:Courage of the Blue Boy 蓝皮肤男孩的勇气

Courage of the Blue Boy 蓝皮肤男孩的勇气
内容简介  · · · · · ·
So begins the blue boy's quest for color. After travels though lands so full of yellow, packed with purple, riddled with nothing but red, Blue comes to a place different from the others. A big, beautiful city where every color lives in harmony-every color but blue that is! Feeling very much alone, Blue hides in his room until he has an idea, a blue idea that he shares with the city. Then Blue gathers his courage and steps out into a world more colorful than ever before.Reviews
"The metaphor's plainly doing the driving here, but it's clear enough to be understood by young readers too, and broad enough to be interpreted in either a personal or cultural way."-Kirkus Reviews
"The simple story will appeal to preschoolers, who will also be caught up by the colorful images, impressively outlined in black and drenched in pure color. Somewhat older children will catch the theme of inclusion that suffuses the book, making it a good choice to share with children, singly or in groups."-Booklist
"The youngster's change of palette colorfully reflects the story's underlying message. . . this allegorical offering will work well as an introduction to multicultural discussions as well as lessons on courage."-School Library Journal

Courage of the Blue Boy 蓝皮肤男孩的勇气
There was a blue boy who lived in a blue land. 从前在一片蓝色的土地上住着一个蓝皮肤的小男孩儿, Everything was blue. Polly the calf was blue. 在那儿所有的一切都是蓝色的,小牛Polly也是蓝色的。 "There must be more than blue," he sighed. “这个世界肯定不止只有蓝色,”小男孩儿叹道。 "Moo," said Polly. “哞哞”,小牛应声叫道。
Courage of the Blue Boy 蓝皮肤男孩的勇气
The blue boy dreamed of all the colors of the world. 蓝皮肤男孩儿想象着世间所有的色彩, One day he set off to find them. Polly too. 有一天他便带着小牛Polly一同启程上路,去寻找那些色彩了。
Courage of the Blue Boy 蓝皮肤男孩的勇气
They flew in an orange airplane over rolling orange hills. 他们乘坐着橙色的飞机,飞过了片片橙色的石岗。 Blue and Polly came to a red town where everyone was red. 男孩儿和Polly来到一个红色的小镇,那里所有的人都是红色的。 They lived in red houses and did the same red things,day after day. 他们一天天的都住在红色的房子里,用着红色的东西。 Blue wondered,"There must be more than this." 男孩儿想:“一定还不止这些!一定还有别的颜色!” "Moo,"said Polly. “哞哞,”Polly应声叫道。
Courage of the Blue Boy 蓝皮肤男孩的勇气
Blue and Polly walked up happy amber streets full of colorful people going about their colorful business. 男孩儿和Polly走过琥珀色的大街,到处都是五颜六色的人们,走过他们五颜六色的事物。 They heard maroon sounds. 他们听到褐紫色的声响, They sniffed olive scents. 他们问道橄榄色的香气, They saw the violet museum and went to the emerald opera house. 他们看到紫罗兰色的博物馆,走进了翡翠色的歌剧院, There were scarlet churches, lavender mosques, and beautiful polka-dot temples. 那里有猩红色的教堂,薰衣草色的清真寺,还有圆点花样的寺庙。 The blue boy loved the colorful city. 男孩儿十分喜爱这样色彩缤纷的城市。
Courage of the Blue Boy 蓝皮肤男孩的勇气
The houses were red and pink and yellow. 房子有红的、粉的、还有黄的。 The people were green and orange and purple and many other colors. 人们有的绿、有的橙、有的紫、还有各种各样颜色的。 The streets were brown and white, checkered and striped. 大街是棕色和白色的,格子和条纹的。 There seemed to be every color of shop and every color of newspaper and every color of food to eat. 有各种各样颜色的店铺,有各种各样颜色的报纸,有各种各样的颜色的食物。 The blue boy was amazed! 蓝皮肤的男孩儿感到不可思议! He found a room and moved right in. 他找了一间房间冲了进去。
Courage of the Blue Boy 蓝皮肤男孩的勇气
The blue boy pushed his blue idea out under the door. 蓝皮肤的男孩儿把他的蓝色的想法 从房门底下推出了屋外。 Then he wrote a blue poem, he pushed this out too. 然后他写了一首蓝色的诗,也被他推到了屋外。 He sang a blue song. 他又唱了一首蓝色的歌, He wrote a blue book. 写了一本蓝色的书, He painted a blue painting, all for the colorful city. 画了一幅蓝色的画,都是为了这个色彩缤纷的城市。
Courage of the Blue Boy 蓝皮肤男孩的勇气
Blue began to breathe in all of the colors of the city, one by one. 蓝皮肤男孩而开始呼吸整个城市的气息,一口又一口。 He wasn't just blue anymore. 他再也不只是蓝色, He was every color of the world. 他变得五彩斑斓。。。
Courage of the Blue Boy 蓝皮肤男孩的勇气


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