The Water Hole _# e9 e) ]- A# f1 H
1 k1 K* W+ ?- z《the waterhole》是一本获奖绘本,看过一点简单介绍,作者选择的动物是七大洲的代表动物,每一页还有代表该动物栖息地的典型建筑,比如panda这一页背景中会出现长城。
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, Q; V+ v* j) v& t- NIn the tradition of his best-selling alphabet book, Animalia, author and illustrator Graeme Base takes young readers on an exhilarating journey of discovery with an ingenious fusion of counting book, puzzle book, storybook, and art book. From the plains of Africa and the jungles of the Amazon to the woodlands of North America and the deserts of outback Australia, the animals come together to drink from the water hole. But their water supply is diminishing. Whatas going on? Each sumptuous landscape illustration conceals hidden animal pictures for readers to find as they count the animals that visit the water hole and try to solve the mystery: will the animals come back or is their water source gone forever?
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7 r( E% F# |% V3 ^/ [我的爱币满屋子,求爱贝发美元啊!